Introduce yourself

  • You can upload a video to shortly ntroduce yourself (name, age, nationality, town and school, etc) by using FLIPGRID.


    Step 0:

    In order to create a video with Flipgrid you should use your e-mail account and password you have from Google or Microsoft.

    NOTE: if your school uses Google Apps for Education or Office 365, you can use those accounts.

    If you don’t have a Google or Microsoft account, please create one.

    Step 1:

    Use your Smartphone and find in the App Store (or Google Play Store) the Flipgrid App and install it.

    Step 2:

    Open the Flipgrid App on your Smartphone and enter the FlipCode: “emateseu”

    Step 3:

    You are asked for a password to enter the FlipGrid emateseu, please enter “ErasmusRocks”

    Step 4:

    Read the instructions carefully, then prepare to introduce yourself to all the students in our project. When you feel ready, press the green + button to record your video.

    If you don’t know how to edit your video before submitting, watch this video (it says iOS, but it works the same way on Android):

    Step 5:

    When you want to submit your video, you are asked to login either with a Google or Microsoft Account – please use now your prepared accounts from step 0.

    Step 6:

    The video is now online and one of your teachers will review it. You will get notified, as your teacher will put online – visible for all the other teachers and students in this project.