

    Let's Do It 

    It's the practical solution to the topic of Rubbish. In our English lessons we studied a lot of new words/ phrases connected with sorting out rubbish and telling how we sort out rubbish in our homes. 

    In our class teacher's lessons students studied a lot of new and important things how to keep our homes clean and what new things we can make from "rubbish". A great number of parents joined in to help their children invent and make new things from old things and we had an educative and funny competition and exhibition. 

    But one day after the classes in September we just came together, our Youth Leader provided us with gloves and bags and we walked round in the little park like wood around the schoolhouse, in the streets and by the riverside and picked up a huge pile of rubbish! Our school neighbourhood is much more beautiful now :)

    As you can see among us there were students from Years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 9, the Head, teachers and parents.