It is to our satisfaction to see that young Europeans like yourselves are thirsty for knowledge and are willing to devote their time to a journey of exploration, creation and cooperation.
In order to become a “Robo-Wonderer”, two actions are required:
- You must explore the Twinspace (the platform where most of the work and collaboration with your partners will take place, thus you must login the Twinspace regularly) and fill in your profile details. Write a small paragraph about yourself explaining who and what you are, where you are from, what your hobbies are, how you feel about this project, what are your expectations, etc. and post a photo or picture about yourself as an avatar.
- You must commit to work in international teams, communicate, cooperate and respect your partners. Although this isn’t always easy, it is the key to success. Use the padlet below to submit your commitment.
If you find any difficulties accomplishing your objectives ask for help in the TroubleShooting forum.
Robo-Wonderers Commitment