• Our project has started on 15th September 2017

    Our project "Games in Extracurricular Activities" is the part of a big Erasmus+ project "Games Achieve My Educational Success". 

    We have decided that each partner-country will be responsible for different tasks and project activities, according to the below schedule.


    • coordinating project matters including time management, disseminating information and the continual promotion of our project's goals,
    • carrying out an international project with other European schools related to improving basic educational skills surrounding concerns over developing innovative teaching methods and improving ICT skills of our pupils, thus members of staff,
    • compilation and production of a DVD concerning all partner schools involved in the project as well as its dissemination to interested parties,
    • preparation of an evaluation sheet for all meetings,
    • preparing a calendar with the events, meetings and responsibilities.


    • hosting an LTT event, providing its experience on field of study “Games in cooperative Learning”,
    • preparing a ebook of learning scenarios, new practices, worksheets, materials for teachers (integration different subjects and activities into classroom),
    • preparing an ebook with the games, the students prepare,
    • creating a blog with students expressions, ideas, memories,
    • preliminary questionnaires, survey and opinions of stakeholders.


    • hosting an LTT event, preparation activities for creating online games, “Games in ICT”,
    • preparation of activities improving programming skills and coding messages with different ICT tools for students and teachers, for example: RunMarco, Kodable, Tynker, Lightbot, the Foos ect.,
    • creating a database of all ICT apps that were used in the project divided into categories for teachers,
    • preparing a themed lexicon including high frequency and ICT words in all partner languages,
    • preliminary questionnaires, survey and opinions of stakeholders.


    • feedback questionnaires produced about activities,
    • preparing the assessment of baseline and endline surveys,
    • preparing a letter of intent to work collaboratively,
    • creation and maintenance of the project web space,
    • preparing and implementing, as a training, ICT tools for teachers-TM.


    • hosting an LTT event, providing its experience on  field of study “Games in learning by doing”,
    • creating a photo gallery connected to teacher/student visits/activities,
    • creation of forum sessions or online chats on the eTwinning platform for students  (twice a year),
    • preparing a calendar with the events, meetings and responsibilities.


    • hosting an LTT event, providing its experience on field of study “Games in extracurricular activities”,
    • preparation of a logo competition,
    • organising e-safety topic, ethic and morality in the internet,
    • construction and maintenance of a calendar of events and the distribution of a project eCalendar.