7. Evaluation Final Reports

  • 7. Evaluation Final Reports 2014-15, 2015-2016 e 2016-17

    Related with the Erasmus plus project 2014-2017 “Water around us”, financed by the EU, Key action 2, we produced a questionnaire for teachers, to collect information from all of the 7 partner schools, in order to measure the quality of the first year of collaborative work.

    For the conception of the questionnaire we have considered the major objectives of the partnership, and produced 44 close and scaled questions. All the questions  are very simple, objective, and use the same response format, graded on a continuum scale from 1 to 5,  with the significance 1- Very poor, 2-  Poor, 3- Satisfactory, 4- Good and 5-Very Good.

    In order to check the questionnaire we pre-tested it, through a small sample of respondents, who we interviewed and got their impressions to confirm that the questions correctly reproduced their opinions.

    The questions were grouped into coherent sections and divided into four central categories so that it could be evaluated: 1. Project in my own school (9 questions), the “2. Final products” (5 questions), 3. Transnational project meetings and learning activities (24 questions), and 4. Coordination process (6 questions).

    The questionnaire was fulfilled by each partner school and with the results we elaborate an evaluation report.


    Auto-Evaluation Reports Examples
    Final Erasmus Reports 2015-2016-2017