3. Comparative analysis of the regular curriculum about the theme water

  • 3. Comparative analysis of the regular curriculum about the theme water

    Aim of the activity: Doing a comparative analysis of the regular curriculum in all school partners about the theme WATER. The aim was to investigate how this project could bring something new to each school's regular lessons in different subjects as chemistry, physics, biology and geology, etc.
    The central approach was a comparison between study curriculum activities in partner schools as well as a comparison of the methods of teaching it.
    The comparative analysis of the regular curriculum in all school partners provided the teachers with spectrum of information about the teaching methods on the subject water in different countries of Europe.
    The next innovative step was to build a synthesis of these, i.e. as a result of the comparative work we were able to put together a versatile study unit about WATER, which could be used as a whole or in smaller entities for creating a new learning and teaching module as explained next.
    the teachers with spectrum of information about the teaching methods on the subject water in different countries of Europe.
    The next innovative step is to build a synthesis of these, i.e. as a result of the comparative work we will be able to put together a versatile study unit about WATER, which can be used as a whole or in smaller entities for creating a new learning and teaching module as explained next.
    Comparative analises 7 countries loka (1)