5. Photo contest and Calendar

  • 5. Photo contest and Calendar

    In the Project application the Calendar was supposed to be activity of year 2014. However, due to administrative reasons this activity was rescheduled in year 2015.

    Coordinator – Rūjiena Secondary School (Latvia).

    Goal of activity: To promote creativity among students within the project ”Water around us” and create Calendar 2016 as a result.

    Theme of the Photo Competition: ”Metamorphosis of water in different seasons”.


    Photo Competition took place in 2 steps:

    STEP I - January 2015 – September 30, 2015. Collection of photos, competitions, exhibitions, etc. on school level. Each partner school organises its own activities or events concerning Photo Competition.

    STEP II - October 15, 2015 – December 15, 2015. Latvia receives the best chosen photos from each partner school and uses the pictures to design, create and print the Calendar 2016.

    By December 31st 2015 the Calendar 2016 was produced, edited and printed in format A4, in Latvia. Every opening shows one month with the winner photos of water in the nature, the flags of all partner countries, the project logo and Erasmus + logo. The Calendar comprises 32 photos representing all partner schools. Each month is complemented with a relevant quote about water.

    The Calendar was distributed in all partner schools, and all local municipalities. The Calendar was also presented to the photography authors.
    Example of the photo contest poster 


    Example of calendar cover and pages