We started collecting the different experiments for the booklet in late autumn 2015 and every school sent at least one topic to the coordinating school.
    The experiments were not only meant to be printed in the booklet but they also were to be presented by students travelling to the Learning Activity in Jerez-de-la-Frontera in April 2016 where the partners also celebrated the International Water Day 2016. As there were so many experiments the Spanish team decided to make it a WATER WEEK rather than just a day.
    When choosing the experiments the teachers responsible for this had to make sure that the experiments could be presented by the students themselves, so that they should neither be too difficult nor too dangerous to carry out. Also, the students had to be able to explain the experiments in English which is not the mother tongue of any of the participating schools. Speaking English in front of a bigger crowd is a big challenge for some of our students because the command of the English language varies a lot among the partners’ students.
    Every partner was to send their experiments by March 15th. We agreed to use common programmes, preferably Word or Publisher, and that the coordinator would put them all into the same shape.
    Some of the experiments have similar names and almost the same topic but if you look at this booklet closer you will notice that they all differ.
    As nearly all experiments deal with the same subject, the water cycle, we came to the agreement to explain the background of the experiments only once, at the beginning of the booklet. When partners saw the necessity to give some more background information because their experiment dealt with a special part of the water cycle, this information was added and the format of the page was slightly changed.