This page is used for propagation and publicity of our project work.
So you can see there everything what is connected with the dissemination of the project work :
Big success:
European language Label (Czech Republic)
Prezentation Label 2019
Primary school Okružní 1235, Most Czech Republic
1) Meeting in Celle - there is the text from Czech newspaper :
Articles in Greece newspapers - Trikala voice :
An article about meeting in Celle on OŠ Strahoninec web page
2) Presentation about "Let's cross the boudaries of Primary Education together" ("starting a project - KA2 action) , in a training seminar for schools which are interested in applying for project funding KA2 project. (Casa del Mar -7-11-2017 Barcelona-Spain).
March 2018 - Publicity on school web-page Czech Republic -
An article about meeting in Most on OŠ Strahoninec web page
Next article about meeting in Most was published in Czech local newspapers on 10th March :
One more article in on-line newspaper Mostecké listy : 15.3.2018
Local Newspaper - Mostecké listy
Escola Barrufet- Collaborating and bringing the project closer to our town entities (16-11-2018- Explanation and donation of magazines in 3 different languages (English, Catalan and Spanish) to our local library "Jordi Rubió i Balaguer") and participating in the campaign promoted for the Town hall of Sant Boi "Educating City Day 2018" #SomComunitatEducadora #SBCiutatEducadora (twitter, sending photos related to our project...). All the children of Sant Boi can read and borrow the four issues done (Physics, PE, Ceography and Maths) in the library after our collaboration.
Croatia: Presentation of Erasmus+ KA2 project "Let's Cross the Boundaries of Primary Education Together" to the Primary school tachers council of Međimurje County.
Croatia: C3 Teacher's Meeting in OŠ Strahoninec (5th-9th November 2018)
Article's abou our Meeting in two local e-newspaper: eMeđimurje i Međimurske novine
KLOPOTEC - our school newspapers
The article about our project and the first meeting in Germany. The interview was done by children from our newsgroup.
In Trikala two local newspapers have reported extensively on the meeting during our common Erasmus+ week.
Pupils, teachers and parents can watch activities about the Project in new show-cases and notice-boards:
Escola Barrufet (Sant boi)- Spain:
We have published an article in our Spanish eTwinning portal (
It's about inclusion and etwinning and everybody can read about our project as an example of curricular integration and inclusion.
Article about etwinning and inclusion -link to our project.pdf
Escola Barrufet (Sant Boi)- Spain:
We participate in "local seminars" led by our area Pedagogical Resources Center (Servei Educatiu del Baix Llobregat III) . We share innovative experiences to improve the coordination between Primary and Secondary centers located in Sant Boi in the same neibourhood.
Four centers, Institut Camps Blancs, Escola Casablanca, Escola Montbaig and Escola Barrufet were discussing about how Primary and Secondary students can collaborate together and create magazines about different subjects. They learnt more about eTwinning and Erasmus thanks to our project and they loved it!
The students "driving group" are promoting the project and the 21st june went to the local public library. They have given the librarian the last issues of the magazines "Kids News". They were accompanied by the project coordinators and two members of the school 's management team. The librarian has cataloged them and now it's possible to consult and read the nine different issues in different languages in the library.