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  • Art class at Oberschule Westercelle

    "The topics in art lessons, this year and in the previous years, are never boring and you get to know the diversity of art - that is always a lot of fun," report students from the ninth grade, who are designing three-dimensional bodies considering the vanishing point perspective.

    Not only drawing and painting are part of the curriculum of the art classes. Students experiment with different materials, spatially mounting or printing techniques. In the IT classes special emphasis is put on using existing technology. This results in photographs or small film sequences, which can then be edited on the laptop.

    Especially enriching for class are the "art expeditions" going outside, in which ideas and topics are traced. On site in Celle, the world's first and only 24-hour art museum with a collection of patron Robert Simon and focus on “light art” is a special experience that fascinates students with its constantly changing exhibitions and inspires them for contemporary art.(Alexandra Socher, head of arts department)



    Assemblage of old computers

    Primary school Strahoninec has finally got a new IT classroom! Our art teacher, Marina Mrazović, created wonderful artworks with students for its decoration, and below we bring a gallery of images of their origin with some information about the creative process.

    Assemblage is a sculpting technique of forming three-dimensional artwork/paintings/mobiles/sculptural installations that combine different objects of everyday use or their parts. It is a collage technique in which the goal is to create some new artwork/installation. The idea was to create the artworks/robots from the old waste parts of the computer that will embellish the computer classroom at our school. We used mostly pieces and parts of computers that we fit on colored cardboard substrates.

    The aim of this activity was to acquire the knowledge and understanding of painting, sculpture, architecture, applied arts, design and new media that students will use for their artistic expression and expanding the competences of visual thinking. In this way, they also develop aesthetic, moral and working traits, develop creativity and originality in expression.

    Pupils encouraged each other in various dimensions of artistic talents and parts of the creative process that support divergent thinking and technical knowledge. In the conversation about art, teachers encourage students to evaluate their originality, technical performance and aesthetic quality of their works and to develop interests in art and cultural heritage.

    Ana Horvat


    In Barrufet school “Arts and Crafts” are taught in Catalan in our pre-primary courses (3-4 and 5 years old) and
    in English from the first grade to the sixth grade.
    Our students are exposed to different forms of artistic
     expressions, every year we visit important museums in
     Barcelona, as Picasso museum , Miró Foundation, 
    “MNAC” National art museum of Catalonia and others. 
    In Sant Boi there’s an art center where we can visit local 
    exhibitions or participate or experiment with art in 
    some workshops. We also learn about our artistic heritage 
    and other cultures artistic and cultural manifestations.
     During the art classes subjects such as color,
     properties of materials, shapes in images and objects are 
    worked on. We explore the works of different authors,
     painters, sculptors, architects and we elaborate our own
     artistic productions, trying to promote creativity and art as
     a means of communication.
    Art helps children to express themselves and they love it. 
    Escola Barrufet

    Window "Athina" school


    Our school supports art lessons very much. Mr. Papaioannou is the main art teacher in our daily schedule. Every Thursday we have 2 hours of art activities and a lot of kids learn new things there from Mrs.Argyroula, who is an artist. Through this lesson children have the opportunity to express themselves and have a creative time all together. Also, students do many interesting activities and they decorate the school with their works. Apart from this, they show their work to the other students and teachers. Some of the types of work that children draw are portraits, landscapes, abstract design and still life. The materials that they need to draw these kinds of works are oil pastels, acrylics paints and a lot of other things. To sum up art lesson is one of the most important lessons on our school.