6) PE (Physical education) - second common topic

  • Sport is really important topic for all of us - do you know why? 

    As German team wrote in leading article in 2nd issue: 

    2018 is a really sporty year! It started with the Winter Olympics in South Korea and let the temperatures fall below -15 degrees to offer realistic conditions even to the European TV audience.

    Watching sports events on TV can be quite entertaining but of course it is rather moving to do sports by yourself! PE at school offers a lot of opportunities for everyone.

    You don’t have to be only a  fan. There are so many possibilities to overcome the limitations of gravity and to change the perspective... for example while performing a handstand or building human pyramids. In summertime it is really enjoyable to cool down in the swimming pool after some hard lessons.  And an impulsive horse from the riding club helps you to improve your sense of balance.

    Besides, be inspired by many famous sports persons in 2nd issue of our project  magazine.

    They were maybe discovered and supported by their teachers at school! 

    So don´t be  couch potatoes.