7) Geography - third common topic

  • Did you know  the word "Geography" comes from Greek language? . Geography is the spatial study of the earth’s surface (from the Greek geo, which means “Earth,” and graphein, which means “to write”).



    geographer is someone who studies the earth (landforms, vegetation, soils, water, patterns of climates, its place in the solar system…), its inhabitants and cultures and how humans are affected by the earth’s surface. In addition, this both geography branches ,Physical and Human geography, may work together to study humanity's interactions with the environment (how the earth, its climate and its landscapes are changing due to cultural intervention).


    Are you ready to participate in your Geography forum?

    - What about you and Geography?

    - Famous people in Geography field (travelers, cartographers, explorers, naturalists , surveyors...)

    - Entertaintment section: Quizzes,wordsearch, grids...

    - Geography vocabulary

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