| March | April | May | June | September | October | December |
Naša škola je stara kamena zgrada koja postoji preko 150 godina. U njoj se njeguje kulturna baština, ali se dosta pozornosti poklanja i modernim načinima učenja. Školu pohađa 130 učenika. Učionica fizike služi i za nastavu biologije i kemije. Preferiramo istraživačku nastavu. Vršimo dosta eksperimenata i demonstracijskih pokusa. Učenici su uglavnom zainteresirani za ovakav oblik rada. | Our school is an old stone building that is over 150 years old. It nurtures cultural heritage, but a lot of attention paid to modern learning methods. School has 130 students. Physics classroom serves for teaching biology and chemistry. We prefer research classes. We do a lot of experiments and demonstration trials. The students are mainly interested in this kind of work. |
December [ top ⇑ ]
Date | Gnomon(cm) | Shadow(cm) | Angle(°) |
08 December | 100 | 229 | 66.4 |
October [ top ⇑ ]
Date | Gnomon(cm) | Shadow(cm) | Angle(°) |
27 October | 100 | 153.5 | 56.9 |
September [ top ⇑ ]
June [ top ⇑ ]
Date | Gnomon(cm) | Shadow(cm) | Angle(°) |
02 June | 100 | 39.2 | 21.4 |
20 June | 100 | 36.8 | 20,2 |
May [ top ⇑ ]
April [ top ⇑ ]
March [ top ⇑ ]