Buenos Aires imm ARGENTINA

  • Instituto Mario Madeddu

    | January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December |

    Somos alumnos de 3º año del Instituto Mario Madeddu de Banfield.
    La ciudad de Banfield está ubicada en la zona sur del Gran Buenos Aires y tiene una población de unos 200.000 habitantes.
    Es la quinta vez que la institución  participa de proyecto pero la primera para nuestro grupo.
    Nuestra escuela tiene los niveles  inicial, primario y secundario. En secundaria somos unos 300 alumnos.
    Medimos el día del equinoccio de primavera (22/09) y cruzamos datos con escuelas de España, Brasil, Serbia e India.
    Estamos felices de participar en este proyecto y en la videoconferencia con los países europeos.
    ¡Es muy interesante conocer otras culturas de esta manera!
    ¡Muchas Gracias a todos!
    We are students of 3rd year of the Mario Madeddu Institute - Banfield.
    Banfield city is located in the south of Greater Buenos Aires and it has a population of about 200,000 people.
    It is the fifth time that the institution participates in the project but this is the first time for our group.
    Our school has kindergarten, and both elementary and High School. In High School, we are about 300 students.
    We measured the day of the vernal equinox (22/09) and cross data with schools in Spain, Brazil, Serbia and India.
    We are happy to participate in this project and videoconferencing with European countries.
    It is very interesting to know other cultures in this way!
    Thank you very much to all !!




    September   [ top ⇑ ]

    Date Gnomon(cm) Shadow(cm) Angle(°)
    22 September 27.5 -20 -36.0