Local and Regional Stereotypes (STEREOTYPES2)

  • Local and Regional Stereotypes

    The task

    Which local or regional identity do you identify with? Are their any stereotypes about that identity? Well, our students tried to find out what sterotypes are held about people from their town or region. They prepared an exhibition at their schools. You can see the exhibition and the results of the research here!

    Lidia Nistor, Scoala Gimnaziala Romanu, Braila, Romania

    The power point will be shown at the school TV.

    Lidia Nistor, Scoala Gimnaziala Romanu, Braila, Romania

    Students' research about stereotypes.

    Lidia Nistor, Scoala Gimnaziala Romanu, Braila, Romania
    What is a stereotype? - Bulgaria

    Еssay on stereotypes

    The stereotype that I associate with the name of Ivet Lalova - Monika Koleva - Bulgaria
    Exhibition - Bulgaria

    The students from the 25th Primary School "Dr. Petar Beron" prepared and presented through an exhibition the stereotypes they found in the form of articles, drawings, proverbs. In this way, all students in the school were informed and acquainted with the topics of the project activities.

    Exhibition - Bulgaria
    Exhibition - Bulgaria
    Stereotypes about people from Turopolje, Croatia
    Stereotypes about people from Zagreb... and Moscow!

    This research was done by our student of Russian origin.

    Close-up: stereotypes about Turopolje locals
    Close-up: stereotypes about Zagreb locals
    Stereotypes about people from Zagreb
    Stereotypes about people from Turopolje, Croatia
    Close-up: stereotypes about Zagreb locals
    Stereotypes about people from Zagreb
    Stereotypes about people from Zagreb
    Close-up: stereotypes about people from Zagreb
    Poster exhibition in OŠ Odra
    Poster exhibition in OŠ Odra
    Poster exhibition in OŠ Odra