Fun Then vs. Fun Now (EDUCATION3)

  • Fun Then vs. Fun Now

    The task

    Our students have done some research - they collected information about traditional games popular in their towns. They shared them here, and they tried playing the games shared by their peers from other countries. Check out the photos and videos of them playing!
    However, today many students prefer to sit in their rooms and play online... So, our students prepared some easy online quizzes on project topics - because both old and new games offer some benefits... :)

    Croatian children's games

    Here is a list of children's games that our students collected. Would you like to try some of them? :)

    Bulgarian traditional games

    We offer you to get acquainted with two of the most popular games that the children of Bulgaria play with pleasure. Learn the rules and enjoy the video.

    Two is a little three is a lot
    Online quizzes on project topics

    We have carried out some research on the traditional games, and now it's time for students' favourites... Online quizzes! Our hardworking students prepared them and they deal with the project topics and should be easy enough for you... Or not? :) Try them out! Open the document, copy and paste the links in the address bar.

    Students from OŠ Odra, Zagreb playing traditional Bulgarian games
    Lidia Nistor, Scoala Gimnaziala Romanu, Braila, Romania

    Traditional games Romania. The research of students can be seen in the attached document.