• BIBLIOGRAPHY by Finland

    Minna Canth was horrified at Equality, Poverty and the Status of Women, so she decided to do something about it. She started writing in the newspapers about the way she thought it was.

    MINNA CANTH sivu 1.pdf

    MINNA CANTH sivu 2.docx

    3. MINNA CANTH sivu 3.pdf

    MINNA CANTH sivu 4 .docx

    MINNA CANTH sivu 5.pdf

    _MINNA CANTH sivu 7-9.docx


    VOICE by France



    GREENSCREEN by Catalonia

    It was impossible to meet our students during Covid-19 lockdown, so still at home, they worked as a team and created the script of Minna Canth's interview. Then, each one recorded their part to get a final result.

    TRAVELLING THROUGH THE Etwinning time machine from Navàs to Finland!

    This is Minna Canth interview:


    POSTER by Poland

    THINGLINK by Norway

    DIORAMA by Estonia

    Due to covid -19 it has been made by France  (Thaïs and Victoria).