

    eTwinning project within the Erasmus+ SDGs Action!

    This project aims to be a little branch of an Erasmus + project called " Sustainable Development Goals Action!" 

    It pretends to enhancen the most important values of SDG5 " Gender Equality"

    The goal is that our kids think about and contribute to encouraging women and girls to have equal opportunities to be heard and to have real opportunities to participate in all political, economic and public spheres in their future lives.

    Age of students: 9-12

    Time: February - April 2020

    Countries: Catalonia, France, Italy, Finland, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, The Netherlands,Cyprus, Estonia, Poland, Norway.


    “Women speaking up for themselves and for those around them is the strongest force we have to change the world.” - Melinda Gates

    8th March is a very important day, we remember all those women who changed history and think about all those things still need to change. Unfortunately, there is still a lot to do. We know there are many maltreated women, discrimination and there is no gender equality in our world.

    As Nelson Mandela says, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

    "Education is the key to eliminating gender inequality, to reducing poverty, to creating a sustainable planet, to preventing needless deaths and illness, and to fostering peace".

    We, as teachers pretend to help humanity to step forward an equal society by spreading the values of tolerance, respect and gender equality among our young kids throughout this project.


    Pedagogical objectives

    1. To  learn and share about the women who made something to improve the society

    2. To learn about the importance of treating and considering the male and female gender with the same opportunities and capability

    3. To involve as many schools, teachers and students and communities as possible in order to spread the message of gender equality

    4. To communicate in english and improve the language skills

    5. To enhance the ICT skills

    Key competences addressed

    1. Cultural awareness and expression

    2. Understanding the historical context

    3. Personal social learning

    4. Civic digital

    5. Languages





    Follow up:  documentation- dissemination



    The project will be part of an Erasmus+ project 2019-21 called " SDGs Action!"

    - 12 different countries will be involved in the project, so that 12 relevant female celebrities will be studied by all the participant schools

    - The project will be developed during the months of February and March

    - some videos will be used to introduce the project

    - a time line and bar graph will be made to evaluate the number of celebrities male and female along the history .

    - A survey to comment with pupils about " From where we stand" 

    - Forums: with relevant questions about gender equality

    - Transnational teams will be created to do a research about 12 women ( one from each country) 

    - Biography , voice recording, Photo with Greenscrren, Poster, Thinglink and Dioramas will be created for each women and by different countries.

    - The project will be evaluated and disseminated in the different schools 


     Memory game, to learn about the different information created by the transnational teams

    - Kahoot game to evaluate the learnings

    - eBook: exhibiting the 12 women posters and information

    - Schools exhibition: Posters, dioramas, makey makey , Green screen 


    The main goal is to spread the message of SDG 5. Gender equality throughout the project and integrate the work plan into the schools curricula.