Agrupamento de Escolas Pedro Jacques de Magalhães PORTUGAL

  • Agrupamento de Escolas Pedro Jacques de Magalhães is a primary school in Alverca do Ribatejo, 24km from Lisbon our capital. We have 1005 students age between 10-15 years old. The number of teachers is 86.

    One of the problems identified in the school and school system in our country is the problems related to mathematics and his learning process. The survey of students showed that students want different learning methods, environments, and contemporary engaging tasks. Our teachers feel the lack of integrated mathematics assignments with other subjects. Since we need to get better results and increase students' motivation we believe this project could be an excellent opportunity to engage students in the learning process and teachers to work together and reflect on learning strategies and pedagogical options. We want to establish a relation between Maths and reality, cultural heritage, and other things. Since we can use ICT for teaching we believe we can involve our students, and students involved in the project, for the importance of math and real life. We want to give the opportunity for students to construct and interact with math in reality. The school is very open-minded with this kind of projects and consider it a great value for learning and exchanging experiences. Since we have the

    possibility to work with teachers and students from different countries we can learn and share ideas about cultural heritage beliefs and the different ways we can learn and teach different subjects especially maths.

    The key persons of the project are:

    José Carlos Marques – maths teacher;

    Adelaide Ferreira – Natural Science Teacher;

    Carla Carvalho - Natural Science Teacher;

    Carla Lázaro – ICT teacher;

    The school director and the staff could help in the project because their expertise in the local area is essential to develop this project. We have direct contact with Town Hall and local museums and local entities that can be an asset to this project.

                                                                    Cidade educadora