Our social media and other web tools


    Except for the e-twinning platform, project members use:

    1. http://padlet.com - the platform where we put our tasks and public our work processes during meetings.
    2. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1454852301580515 Project fb group for communication with students, parents and school communities in all countries.
    3. http://whatsapp.lt.downloadastro.com/ Whatsapp for your computer. You can connect and sync your phone and computer. A key communication tool for teachers. A closed group has been created.

    3. www/flamingtext.com - to create your own logos: 

    4. Logo Maker -  a free app for mobile phones.. 

    5. We communicate via Zoom as well. Meetings with students, school communities and students' parents. We use the Zoom tool to spread project activities in our neighbourhoods or to meet specific groups of people. 

    6. We use the Mc Teams platform.

    7. We use https://bookcreator.com:

    8. Spark.adobe.com

    9. Minecraft education edition platform

    10. Tinkercad online

    11. Scratch online 

    12. learningapps.org  Very teacher-friendly, easy to use and create educational games.

    13. Canva