Project description

  • description of the project.docx

    The main objective of our project which is titled Life is math around us. The aim is to increase levels of achievement and interest in science, technology, and mathematics, with the priority of reinforcing the development of key competences. The main problem that was noticed by all partners was the pupils low scores in their exams, tests, or PISA tests, especially in mathematics. This problem is what inspired the emergence of this project and its attempts to raise the interest of students in science through engaging activities. All of the activities of the project are purposefully carried out to achieve this goal. The target group of the project is students who share one thing in common and that is boredom in classical mathematics lessons. The project involves students with different abilities, even those with special needs.

    Teachers are also lifelong innovators who are not afraid to try or make mistakes. The parents of students are those who want a comprehensive and quality education for their children. The project will involve about 1200 students in those various activities. The tasks will be done by about 360 students. We believe that more than 80 teachers and about 200 families will contribute too and feel the impact of the project. There will be 20 students living in vulnerable families.

    The project will be conducted in six stages, and for each stage, one school will be responsible for everyone from their own schools involved in similar activities. With these same activities during mutual school visits. They are to coincide with the priorities highlighted in the project. The project includes six school meetings organized in each partner's training schedule. Each meeting is planned in the perspective of school preparations and is made to present the results of these activities. Which includes exhibitions, lectures, and presentations. All results are published on the project's website (PADLET), school websites, and on the e-Twinning platform. During the meeting, the host school organizes educational research and cultural activities for students. Presenting its best practices and results showing strong teaching areas to guest teachers. Schools are not constrained in their choice of methods for action, but they must be focused on the choice of topic which is the backbone of the schools' process.

    We will raise the results of the maths exams and tests for the schools, on 3-5% is likely, but we will certainly encourage a lot of the students to do research, explore the world and discover many wonderful things. For this, we have prepared unique and attractive project activities during the meetings. Between meetings, students will do many original creative activities. Attracting the interest of these young people, with the view of helping them to get to know the world better. The project's activities will provide more knowledge, curiosity, and self-confidence among the students. During project meetings, students will learn how to communicate with younger students whose English is not quite as advanced as theirs. Helping them with making the right choices, adapting to other cultures and traditions, encouraging them to be far-reaching multicultural European citizens. Such students will not drop out of science at a young age. With the hope that they will find their favorite hobby and realize that science is important and has a place in society. Teachers from six different countries in Europe and Asia will have the opportunity to exchange opinions and experiences. Allowing them to observe different methods of teaching, and trying out new strategies for two years.

    This project is a follow up to the Active, Attractive, and interactive EU Mathematics project. Our project may also be complemented in the future by other more recent mathematical teaching methods, with the integration of other subjects and practical life issues. Each school will be able to continue the celebration of maths days, practical works with the following generations of students. And of course, discover something new.  Well, beautiful relationships between people can last for the rest of their lives.