"Finish line"

  • Ceremonial end of the project in Sivice

    Pupils and teachers met on 29 June. 2017 on the final set and evaluation of the project.



    Brasov, Romania

    Dissemination at teachers meeting.

    1282773637 on piZap.com

    Brasov, Romania

    Dissemination of the project at national national exhibition, of Erasmus + and eTwinning projects

    1282773637 on piZap.com

    In our last meeting of the project, our students have been awarded the eTwinning diplomas. 

    1282773637 on piZap.com



    Dessimination Poland-Brodnica

    Last presentation mascots at Brodnica ...

    Our last meeting at school - project team from Brodnica

    We talked about the project time for evaluation our work.Nice time for us when we worked toghter !


    Brodnica evaluation on Biteable.




    Slovakia 2017

    On June 21 2017 there was a closing ceremony of our project "Lively English book for children". We welcomed our mascot "Kubko" who returned from his journey through the partner countries. We also prepared a small competition, where 24 pairs performed the dialogues from the e-book. 




    Final  activities at school in Italy

    On the 28th and 29th June 2017, the Italian students and teachers had meetings to  finish the school year and gave a balance of the ending project. The eldest students came to give their farewell to their teachers and school as next year they will be somewhere else. The smallest  students got their annual results and certificates. They all met Primo Bemolle, back after a very long period  abroad. Plenty of stories have to be told...teachers reflect on how European projects can influence  students' results and motivation, not to mention teachers' enthusiasm  and desire to experiment new teaching theories.  You can see some of the main moments: