Breakfast: roll, butter, jam, honey, nutella, bread, cereals, sandwich, ham, salami, croissant (Deny)
Lunch: meat, chicken, fish, potatoes, rice, chips, pasta, cheese, vegetable salad, pizza (Pavel)
Dinner: potato pancakes, tomato soup, chicken soup, pancakes, lasagna, kebab (Majka)
Drinks: tea, chocolate milk, milk, water, orange juice, (Livia)
Snacks: donut, pear, apple, orange, sandwich, bread with ham or cheese, piece of a cake (Luci)
yummy, delicious, hungry, filling, tasty, healthy, canteen (Onder)
A: Good morning. Do you have breakfast every day?
B: Yes, of course. It is healthy.
A: What do you eat for breakfast?
B: I eat .............
A: What do you drink for breakfast?
B: I usually drink ............ And you?
A: Hmmm. I do not have breakfast in the morning.
A: CZ B: SK - bread with butter and cheese / tea
A: PL B: TU - cereals with milk / chocolate milk
A: RO B: IT - croissant with honey or nutella / milk
Story 2
A: Hello! Where are you?
B: I am in the …..
A: What are you doing?
B: I am eating my lunch.
A: What are you eating?
B: I am eating ………
A: Do you like it?
B: Yes, I do. It is very delicious.
A: CZ B: SK - canteen / tomato soup, chicken and rice
A: TU B: PL - kitchen / fish and chips and vegetable salad
A: RO B: IT - at home / pizza with cheese and salami
Story 3
A: Hello!
B: Hi. I am having dinner.
A: What do you eat for dinner?
B: We eat …. . And you?
A: We eat ….. . It is yummy!
B: Do you like ….. meals?
A: I love …… meals.
A: SK pancakes with jam or nutella B: CZ potato pancakes / A,B: sweet meals
A: PL meat with potatoes and vegetable B: TU kebab with vegetable salad and bread / A,B: meat meals
A: RO chicken soup B: IT vegetable lasagna / A,B: vegetable meals
Story 4
A: Hi. I am hungry.
B: I am hungry too. Let’s eat something.
A: What snack do you have at school?
B: I usually have …… And you?
A: I have …..
A: SK - a roll with ham and some fruit B: CZ - a cheese sandwich and tea
A: PL - donut and orange juice B: TU - bread with jam and water
A: RO - a salami sandwich and an apple B: IT - a piece of a cake and milk
The rules of recording
- Follow the text and the division of additional words in dialogues
- Copy the environment and atmosphere of the dialogue according the model SK – CZ
- Be careful with light and sounds from the surrounding
- Record the child’s face from reasonable distance (not too far, not to near)
- If a child is pointing at pictures, record the video in a way that you can easily see the pictures, or in case we can put them into the video inn digital form
- Change the background in videos, we prefer interesting places of interior or choose exterior
Rules of sending the materials:
- Download the materials (vocabulary, video, materials) to the files of the concrete Lesson
- Send information about downloading the materials to Denysa
- Just Denysa fills in the excel chart about materials, which are processed and published and are OK