4.10 Seminar - Importance of 3Rs

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    The Importance of the Three R’s : Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

    The three R’s : Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. These three are the best way to make a positive impact on our environment. It’s important to put these into practice, as landfill space is quickly running out, the plastic pollution in our oceans are increasing, and our environment is deteriorating at a faster pace.  

    Reduce: One of the best ways to help the environment is to reduce the amount of waste you produce!

    Reuse: Instead of using one-time use items, like plastic water bottles or plastic grocery bags, opt in for a reusable option.

    Recycle: Recycling is beneficial in so many ways. Not only are you preventing recyclable items from ending up in landfill where it can take 100’s of years to decompose, but you’re giving your recyclable item a chance to get made into something else.

    Source: https://www.naturalhomebrands.com/blogs/news/the-importance-of-the-three-r-s