4.6.4 Slovakia

  • We have created the poems about our Earth and environment and some of them were published in a school magazine Detvan and Tvorožník. English poems were made in groups, Slovak versions were made by individual students.

    Nature´s song

    Can you hear that?

    Can you feel? 

    The sound of nature,

    this song is lovely.

    Stay calm in the forest or park,

    the song of nature - the wind plays the harp.

    The birds take the tune 

    and the little bugs play music too.


    Our Earth

    Our Earth is our home,

    we don´t live here alone.

    There are many forests and seas,

    our Earth has special needs.

    Don´t let it die,

    Everybody asks: "Why?"

    There are plastics, glass and paper,

    we can´t say: "We´ll do that later."

    Now it´s time to make it clean,

    Do you know what I mean?




    Be green

    The grass is green

    the sky is blue

    the air is fresh.

    but is that true?

    We need the Earth

    please, look after it.

    be ready to do what we need

    Recycle and reduce,

    choose the things that can be reused.

    Don´t take the Earth for granted

    We have just this planet.

    So love it

    What if...?

    What if all the trees are gone?

                   What if the bees loose flowers to sit on?

                What if the waters become poisonous

                                and the fish and sea life disappears?

                      What if the birds will not be seenin the sky?

         What if the air is bad for you and I?

    What then????

    Recycling is important

    Everybody can do that.

    Cleaning waters, air and land,

    You learn about environment.

    ´Cause we are the part of green team,

    Learning about recycling.

    Earth is the only one!


    Zemeguľa maličká

    Zemeguľa zelená, spadla večer do blata.
    Tam ľudia zlí boli a riadne ju zničili.
    Teraz sa za to hanbia a ukazujú ústa.
    Robia pre ňu hocičo, pre to malé bábätko.
    Už je už je hneď lepšie, ale stále škaredšie.

    Gregor Sedliak, 4. B

    Recyklujem ako nič,
    všetko pekne pretriedim.
    Smeti sám vynesiem
    a tam ich aj pretriedim.
    Radšej všetko pretriediť
    ako všetko vyhodiť
    a našu Zem týmto zachrániť.
    Stanislav Rapant 4. B

    Recyklujem, recyklujem,

    prírodu tým ochraňujem.
    Šaty malé podarujem.
    Všetko dobre pretriedim,
    do prírody nehodím.
    Sklo, papier aj plasty,
    viem, kam všetko patrí.

    Zuzana Dorotová, 4. B