4.23.4 Slovakia

  • Zábava z lístia

    Skôr než prídu sychravé dni novembra, užívame si slnečné lúče babieho leta. Keďže bolo úplné bezvetrie,  využili sme dnešný deň na zábavu z lístia. Šikovní druháci nakreslili kriedou na chodník postavičky a vlasy im naaranžovali predovšetkým z listov najbližšieho javora, ale aj zo suchého ihličia tuje. Prírodný materiál využili aj na oblečenie a na niektorých tváričkách nechýba ani rúško. Deti ho totiž vnímajú už ako súčasť oblečenia.

    Fun with the leaves
    Before the wet days of November come, we enjoy the sun's rays of Indian summer. Since it was completely calm, no wind, we used today to have fun with the leaves in the school garden. Skillful 2nd graders drew figures on the sidewalk with a chalk and made their hair mainly from the leaves of the nearest maple, but also from dry needles. They also used the natural material for clothing, and some faces also have a face masks. Children already perceive it as part of their clothes. 




    Autumn creativity - Mandalas

    Všetky ročné obdobia sú v prírode krásne, ale jeseň je navyše aj štedrá. Nie nadarmo sa jej hovorí Pani bohatá. Ponúkla nám svoju úrodu a my sme ju využili. S deťmi sme nazbierali gaštany, žalude, šípky, rôzne šišky, samozrejme nemohli chýbať pestrofarebné jesenné listy a konáriky. Pridala sa k tomu už len bohatá fantázia detí a vznikli takéto krásne mandaly.

    All seasons are beautiful in nature, but autumn is even generous. It is not for nothing that it is called Autumn - Lady Rich. She offered us her harvest and we took advantage of it. With the children we collected chestnuts, acorns, rose hips, various cones, of course we could not miss the colorful autumn leaves and branches. Only the rich imagination of children was added to this, and such beautiful mandalas were created.
