4.14.2 Latvia

  • At a time when nature is changing, there are breathtaking views.  Students of the 3rd grade classes learned a great deal about the secrets of our planet Earth during Science Project Week. By sharing their experiences of conserving the world and saving its resources, the students highlighted the need for each of us to take responsibility for our planet. It seems that the simplest task would be not to muck in nature, to learn how to take care of the longevity of the planet, to sort waste, to save electricity, water, and other resources, to learn to reuse different things and to give them a second chance at recycling. Pupils had the opportunity to work individually, in pairs and groups, to discuss and get to know this topic, which is so important and topical for us. We have not only learned a lot and introduced new concepts in our language, but we have also created wonderful works of art, as well as made our own baked cakes in the colours of the globe. May our beautiful planet flourish and green!

    In conclusion, we celebrated Earth Day. Students played a question-and-answer game created by kahhot.com

