Cookie Zinger in Denmark


    We are reading Harry Potter in 4th Grade. Naya is in Slytherin and Mille is also here. We are going to have a Diagonal Street Party. But then Cookie Zinger will be gone to another country.


    Cookie Zinger and some of us boys are out playing Football and he takes a penalty.


    Cookie Zinger.


    Cookie Zinger joined swimming where he learned to swim crawl,

    and he play with playground equipment.

    He had a lot of fun.

    Cookie Zinger is good to swimming.💗😍



    Cookie Zinger is playing drums over at the music room with some girls from 4.b, in Arden school we have our own song about the school and our community.

    The girls from Arden school loves Ariana Grande's music and are listen to it with Cookie Zinger

    Cookie Zinger playing drums with the to girls.


    make by Oluf

    Roblox is a game. it is fun lot of people play roblox.

    adopt me  it is the number 1 on roblox.

     In roblox you can use money to get robux to use in the games.

    Cookie Zinger likes to play roblox. His name is fun1234

    56ER on roblox


    Cookie zinger is trying my computer right now. Cookie zinger say it's funny to try our computer. In Arden School we use computers in all our subjects and we never use pen and paper anymore Mille and Nanna


    Here you can see the schools Science lab and here Cookie Zinger can learn about animals, plants and science and geography.