II 2020- Team Hero Week in Spain

  • The third transnational visit called Team Hero took place in the Spanish school since like a country it promotes the method. Working togehter means that students can expand their life views and enjoy all the benefits associated with that method in crossboarder cooperation. We are interested in this project because we think that cooperating is a great opportunity for the families, students, the educative communities and the whole places we live.

    Our students needs are to open minds and meet other cultures. The needs of good role models like team hero.We share the idea that with this project aims we can inspire students and all people involved to change their lifestyle. With this project work we change our points of view in a lot of fields.

    Learning with new ICT tools and using the creativity, basic competence that we try to develop. Engaging in My team hero week, means that the students reinforce the cooperative work. The students learn how to lead a teamwork week via the following activities:


    TEAM HERO WEEK - plandocument.docx


