The Spanish partner school Escola Publica Circell Oreldola Hiszpania


    State primary and elementary school named Circell is in a village near Barcelona in Spain. We are a little school in a rural area. We have 245 students from 3 to 12 years old and 19 teachers. We work through CLIL methodology in PE and art crafts, and we used the English to workshops about theatre and ICT. Last year we started a program of innovation in Spain about multilingualism. During the past three years, teachers have been retiring and as a consequence new teachers with a bit of experience are working in our school and they have expressed the desire for training and innovate with new methodologies around Europe. Our direction team is in the second mandatory year which planned two main goals to achieve related to the multilingualism and the internationalization of the school.

    Every year our school works on a multidisciplinary project where we include all the subjects, from PE, art and crafts, ICT, English, Maths, Science, Spanish to Catalan. We have done projects about healthy lifestyle, cultural heritage as a Romanic art among other. In some cases, we have won the Baldiri and Reixac awards several times. Apart from this, one of the main goals of our direction team is improving the Civic values through the Civic Project which are developing from the course 2016- 2017 through the work of values as effort, respect each other, honesty, creativity, authenticity, optimism and autonomy. Between 2016-17 academic years we started a new innovative project related to multilingualism called Experimental Group of Multilingualism promoted by the Education Department of Catalonia. We are in the second year of this training. We introduce the subject of English for 3- year-olds, reinforcing it with activities such as workshops, drama, art, and outdoor activities in English. We have a radio programme and an English corner where pupils can find a lot of different information and activities.

    Currently we are doing arts and crafts and PE in English. We do several sessions with 5- 6 graders. Also we do drama workshop in English with 5- 6 grades. We have been engaged in different e-Twinning projects for a long time. With Erasmus+ participation we can strengthen and consolidate our project of civic values, exchanging knowledge with European countries. Moreover, due to the project engagement pupils can increase the linguistic skills and the intercultural competence. We would like to present the good points of team work in the educational field. Also we would like to work on the virtues as a way to speak with our students like a way to motivate themselves and their self-esteem. The Erasmus+ group consists of a logistic management, two coordinators of the webpage, and one of activities, an economic management, a deadline
    coordinator and a general coordinator.