The logo competition

  • In the school year 2018/2019 Primary School no 12 in Elblag started the Erasmsu+ I am my life hero following a 2-year-plan. The Project partner schools are  Escola Publica Circell Oreldola in Spain, Gymnasium Constantinoupoleos in Cypus and Instituto Comprensivo Civitella Torricella Abruzzo in Italy.

    The first common activity was a school logo competition presenting life hero theme.

    It was a good chance for creative work in order to find dan art talent. The aim of the Project is to incluse students of specific needs, as well as the minorities. That is why we invited the school community, in Poland- the Ukraininan group, in Spain and Cyprus- the students of special needs and in Italy- the students of mixed ability and age classes in the area of difficult earthquake time.

    The competition seemed very interesting since about a hundred works were handled. The most creative ones were shown on the wall exhibition and school website. The winners were also presented to the school audience during school assembles, parents and teachers meetings in October 2018.

    On 15 November 2018 there was a managment meeting during which the partner teachers chose one logo. The student winner came from the Italian school Instituto Comprensivo Civitella Torricella. The school participates in the Erasmus+ programme for the first time. That is why the choice is so special.  Our Project logo  depictures a way towards our common aim, ‘United in diverisity’. Rushing out everyday grey life, our blended team directs to involving colourful Europe.

    We decided our logo is to be printed on all documents and output of our partnership.