Cypriot small hands

  • A visit to the child-oncological-centre in Nicosia

    Within the framework of the Erasmus+ “I am my life hero”  and the subject “Team hero week” a team of students from the Konstandinoupoleos Gymnasium, have visited the child-oncological-section of the Makarios Hospital in Nicosia in order to offer presents to the children who suffer from various types of cancer.



    The children of the program organized a charity from door to door in their neighborhoods and in the area of the school in order to collect money and to buy presents for the children of the child-oncological-clinic .They have sent a letter to the manager of the section in order to allow them to visit the clinic and they have set a date for the visit.

    Finishing our visit we have reconsidered our thoughts, our reflections and our anxieties. We felt responsibility against these children but also the optimism which they have conveyed   to us for the outcome of their health, their future but also our future.