Language survival kit

  • A language survival kit - a dictionary of English and 3 participant countries’ national languages was created by travelling students during lessons of national languages within mobilities. Attached you can find its blank form used during the lessons of national languages and a completed form after all mobilities and a video where you can see students practising pronunciation of their new language survival kit vocabulary.

  • Language survival kit

    Language Survival Kit - a blank form

    This form was being completed by travelling students during their lessons of the national language of the visited country.

    Video - Czech students practising Spanish vocabulary from our Language survival kit
    Lesson of Czech language presentation

    Presentation (shorter version) which was used within the lesson of Czech language held in the Czech Republic meeting

    Kahoot quiz - lesson of Czech language

    A link to Kahoot quiz used to test knowledge of Czech language of foreign students after the lesson of Czech language within the meeting in the Czech Republic in March 2022

    Language Survival Kit - a blank form

    This form was being completed by travelling students during their lessons of the national language of the visited country.

    Language Survival Kit - completed form (final product after all mobilities)

    This is compilation of all language versions completed by travelling students during their lessons of the national language of the visited country - all languages put together to create the final project product.

    Language Survival Kit - completed form (final product after all mobilities)

    This is compilation of all language versions completed by travelling students during their lessons of the national language of the visited country - all languages put together to create the final project product.

    Language Survival Kit - Maltese language

    This is Language Survival Kit completed by travelling Czech and Spanish students on Malta after their lesson of the Maltese language. Version English x Maltese.

    Language Survival Kit - Czech language

    This is Language Survival Kit completed by travelling Maltese and Spanish students in the Czech Republic after their lesson of the Czech language. Version English x Czech.

    Language Survival Kit - Spanish language

    This is Language Survival Kit completed by travelling Czech and Maltese students in Spain after their lesson of the Spanish language. Version English x Spanish.