The first short-term joint staff activity was an activity for teachers and project coordinators. A coordinator and 2 teachers involved in the project from each partner country participated in this training activity of the use of various online ICT tools necessary for the project (more teachers from the Spanish school), then educators of the Spanish school, a few pupils of the Spanish school and an eTwinning Ambassador from the Spanish national agency. Hence Twin Space is used as the base space for the project' webpages, at first the participants (especially the newcomers into Erasmus+ projects) had to learn how to use it maximizing the use of its potential (how to deposit photos, videos, press releases, various projects’ products e.g. posters, podcasts etc. there) and its connection to eTwinning which is used as the basic communication tool for students. The participating teachers were trained to use eTwinning, Twin Space and other tools so that they could teach their students how to use the ICT tools in the project work later. There were various sessions focused on eTwinning, Twin Space (web pages creation, storage of photos, videos, press releases, various projects’ products such as posters, podcasts etc.), all their options of communication (eTwinning Live and Twin Space chats, forums and online meetings), as well as other ICT tools suitable for the project work (tools for Kahoot Quizzes, podcasts, posters, presentations and other products’ elaboration, social networking sites). The teachers were also trained on how to add students and teachers into the project in Twin Space and how to enable them the communication via chats and forums there. An important part of the training was a trial of the online meeting which should be held in the following month (November) with groups of students from all the schools. Teachers were trained on how to connect through Twin Space Online Meetings space with groups of students enabling all the groups to hear and see each other and what equipment is necessary to achieve that. The training was done in the school of IES Turina using its computer lab equipped with necessary devices for the online meeting trial in a way so that normal activities of the school were not influenced. Most participants brought their own laptops. The training was done by experienced teachers of ICT subjects and by an external specialist (eTwinning Ambassador). This first training activity was also a get-together for the participating teachers so that some short planning activities (fin-tuning our planning, fixing exact dates for the upcoming activities) could be done as a break time between the ICT use sessions which were the main goal of this training activity. We also had the opportunity to visit some local spots connected to the projects’ topics. All the expected results were gained successfully, all the participants gained the expected skills and knowledge of use of ICT tools.
Our project aims to promote the acquisition of skills and competences of both students and teachers. We hope to contribute to the development of the schools as a whole. Teachers need to get new skills and competences especially in the field of the use of digital technologies so that they can pass the new knowledge on the students. We hope not only to improve the ICT skills of teachers in the ways necessary in this project but also in different ways, for example in the field of social media, and also as a didactic tool (for example by using eTwinning and Kahoot in their lessons). During this activity, the teachers gained the necessary ICT skills during various sessions focused on eTwinning, Twin Space (web pages creation, storage of photos, videos, press releases, various projects’ products such as posters, podcasts etc.), all their options of communication (eTwinning Live and Twin Space chats, forums and online meetings), as well as other ICT tools suitable for the project work (tools for Kahoot Quizzes, podcasts, posters, presentations and all other products’ elaboration). After this training event, all the participating teachers are able to use the obtained skills to communicate with other participants, to share materials in Twin Space, to create Kahoot quizzes for students and are able to use a full range of various ICT online tools so that they can also teach all the necessary skills their students. Now, the teachers and their students can fully participate in the project and its eTwinning/Twin Space activities and can use the new skills in their future lives. For teachers, the participation in this training activity will lead to the use of more innovative and activating didactics (also beyond the project), which will, as a result of the student-centred approach, hopefully lead to a greater social inclusion of students with different backgrounds, interests, competences and learning strategies.