We would like to show our students as much of cultural heritage of each participant country as possible, trying to highlight representative examples of various fields of cultural heritage including some UNESCO World Heritage sites or other historical monuments, crafts, famous paintings, music, traditional cuisine, literature, rural architecture or museums of history which will be supported by various workshops. Therefore, we will travel with our students to meetings in all partner countries and do a complete set of activities there. We will also meet local politicians who will speak to the students explaining them the importance of European citizenship which will be supported by series of workshops and activities (including Twinspace video conference of students) to positively influence the attitudes of our students towards European citizenship. The combination of the knowledge of cultural heritage of European countries and activities promoting the proud feeling of being an European citizen will lead to the rise of European citizenship awareness of our students and hopefully will also affect their families and local communities.
Our meetings with students of all partner schools were originally (before Covid pandemia) planned as follows:
March 2020 - Cultural heritage of Malta
May 2020 - Cultural heritage of the Czech Republic
September 2020 - Cultural heritage of Denmark
March 2021 - Cultural heritage of Spain
Unfortunately, corona virus and strict Covid pandemia restrictions complicated our plans and travel possibilities. Because of all the Covid restrictions, the Danish school can not travel with students and only teachers can travel to teachers trainings and job shadowings. Also terms of all other meetings had to be postponed to the time when we can safely travel again. Therefore, new terms of our meetings (without the Danish students unfortunately) were settled and hopefully, we can travel on the new dates as follows:
January 2022 - Denmark (only teachers) - Teacher training of dropping out prevention + job shadowing
14th -18th March 2022 - Cultural heritage of the Czech Republic (with students)
25th -29th April 2022 - Cultural heritage of Spain (with students)
9th – 13th May 2022 - Cultural heritage of Malta (with students)