
  • Slovenia:


    We involved new students in the project which was very fruitful as they were very willing to be part of the Erasmus team and did a lot of work.

    Preparing for LTT 2 boosted original project members to be more active.

    LTT2 equipped students with international competences and contributed to the improvement of their English. Students had the possibility to compare thir lifestyles to the one on the island. They had hands-on experiences - workshops on traditional basket weaving, bread making, meat roasting and emroidery.


    Due to external circumstances students did not have the possibility to present their school, region and country to Portuguese students, teachers and parents.

    We feel we could have more activities that would involve interraction between students of all the three schools. Students did not mix much (again; very likely this was due to the delay we experience in coming to the island).




    All the ativities were carried out according to the plan. The LTT in Madeira took place and helped students to further develop their speaking skills in English, as well as see and compare the cultural heritage of the island to their own.

    Students fostered their life skills thanks to the stay in foreign families as well as cooperationg with Slovenian and Portuguese peers during workshops (basket weaving, bread baking, embroidery). The students found out a lot about the process of wine making, as well as about the peculiarities of living on the island, which both enriched them and gave them new motivation to continue working on the project.



    Due to external factors (weather) there were some changes in the original plan of the LTT in Madeira and the cooperation with the Slovenian students had to be postponed.