Day 2

  • 1.  9.30 CET Ice breaking activities


    The Slovenian teacher briefly presents the outcome of yesterday's activities. Ajda and Katja introduce today's tasks:

    Students get into breakout rooms. There is at least one teacher in each room.

    Students are divided into 3 breakout rooms (check the group number in the shared google doc, please) and carry out the activites from the link below:

    From this point on you can work at your own pace and go through the tasks you think you can carry out. You should be done by 13.00 CET when we meet again. If we see that all of the groups can finish before 13.00, we can meet on Zoom earlier. 


    2. Traditional Slovenian song

    Here's a challenge for our Polish and Portuguese guests. Find the folk song "Moja mama kuha kafe" on TwinSpace. You will find it on the page titled FEBRUARY 2020, Traditional folk song-Slovenia.

    Look at the video, look at the lyrics and read what's written beneath. You will try to translate the song into Portuguese/Polish and make a video of you singing. Don't be afraid of asking for help if you think your translations are odd. We will wait online (Zoom, IG or WhatsApp) and try to help you :) Also, if you see that you are running out of time, you can translate just 1 to 2 stanzas.

    Don't forget to upload your videos here :)



    Portuguese video

    In the meantime, the Slovenian team of students will do a research on coffee drinking in the past in Brda. They will make a Canva poster that will be then uploaded to TwinSpace as well.


    3. Fruit in Brda

    There are 3 tasks here. Depending on how fast you are with the song, you can opt for 2 possibilities:

    1.) You do all of the 3 activities as a group one after the other


    2) You are divided into little groups and do the three activities simultaneously but each group doing its own activity. If you opt for this one, don't forget to share with the others what you have done, once you are finished with the task.


         a) Fruit glossary (the most importan task of the 3)

    Students from all the 3 countries make a fruit glossary equipped with pictures, translations, and pronunciation. The pronunciation of the Slovenian, Portuguese and Polish words is recorded by students themselves. (source for pictures; use all of them)

    Fruit glossary template:

    The template can be changed to the students’ taste.

    Use an mp3 converter such as this one to download the English pronunciations from YT:

    Important! Try to learn the words from the glossary. Practice your pronunciation of all the 3 languages. Also draw pictures of each fruit on separate pieces of paper. Every student should have a set of his/her own drawings. They should be big enough to be seen on Zoom if you show it on your webcam. We'll need that afterwards.

        b) Bake a cake 

    If possible, bake this cake. It was supposed to be with cherries but they are scarse this year, so we used strawberries instead :)


    Recipe instructions:

    If you can't bake the cake in school, do try to do it at home and send us some pics, ok? And now, just do a little research on how fruit is used in your desserts, share a traditional recipe with us and we will try to do it at home as well. If you decide for this task, paste the links to your recipes here:

    Polish recipe:

    Madeira recipe: 

         c) Fruit magnets

    This task is designed for the Slovenian team, but if you have the possibility, you can do it as well. The Slovenian students will make some magnets that will be then sold at the Cherry Festival next week. We'll post pictures for you to see.


    4. 13.30 CET Evaluation 

    We meet on Zoom again. You can sing if you want ;)

    What’s the fruit?

    Students will show how well they've learnt the words. They will be engaged in a sort of "wheel of fortune fruit game".

    The Slovenian teacher will choose the language, the reader and the fruit the reader will have to read. All of this will be chosen by spinning the "fruit wheel of fortune". The student reads out the word in the chosen language. The other participants show the picture of the fruit on Zoom (the drawings should be done beforehand)

    Choose the language:

    Choose the reader:

    Choose the fruit (done by the teacher; the word is sent to the chosen Ss by private chat on Zoom):



    Evaluation form

    Students and teachers complete the evaluation form of the day.