P19: Fit on stage - Our play

  • Dear friends,

    This page will be our common online space where to work together. We have now to build a "story", that we'll show on stage at our last Erasmus+ Party in May when we'll go to Austria for our 4th and last mobility.

    The plot will be about a boy or a girl, who lives a moment of youthful discomfort at school. Every partner will write a part of the story. All together we will decide at the end the title and the ending of our story with a poll.


    AUSTRIA -  November 16th, 2019


    Marie and Sophie, both 14, attend the same class and are best friends.

    Leon and Lucas, both 14, are best friends in the girls' parallel class.

    Vanessa, 14, a classmate of Marie and Sophie

    Marie tells her best friend Sophie: "Oh my God, you won't believe it! You know Leon from the parallel class, don't you? Yesterday he asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend!!!"

    "Really, that's great!" Sophie replies happily.

    But Leon only asked Marie because of a bet: be with her for two months, then he gets the latest video game from his friends.

    "I think it was a mistake to make that bet," Leon regrets.

    "Huh, why?" Lucas asks.

    "I believe Marie thinks it's serious! And I'd much rather have Vanessa as my girlfriend anyway," Leon says.

    "It's only two months! That’s not the end of the world" Lucas reassures his friend.



    Sophie, Marie, Lucas and Leon are invited to a party. The girls are preparing, putting on make-up and doing their hair.

    Marie: "I'm curious how the first real meeting with Leon will be!

    Sophie: "We'll see!"


    On Saturday evening at the party:

    Leon: "Can you see Vanessa? I must get her attention somehow!”

    Lucas: "Just get her something to drink!"

    Leon gets a drink from the bar and makes his way to Vanessa. He holds out the drink to her and asks her if she wants to dance with him. Vanessa is very pleased and agrees immediately.

    After a while Marie and Sophie arrive and Marie looks expectantly for Leon. A short time later she sees Leon with Vanessa closely entwined on the dance floor. Crying she runs to the toilet. Sophie follows her.

    Marie: "He cheats on me! He must dance with Vanessa of all people! I have to try and win him back!"

    Both are very depressed. They discuss the different ways to win Leon back. Marie makes a suggestion.

    Marie: "How about sending him a nude photo of me? Then he'll certainly forget Vanessa immediately!

    Sophie: "No, don't do that! I'm sure you'll regret it later!"

    Marie: "Ok, I won't do it, I promise! Do you have any other ideas? What could I do?"

    Sophie: "No, I can't think of anything! Let's sleep on it for one night!"


    But when Marie is alone, she sends Leon a photo anyway.

    The next day Leon looks at his mobile phone. After seeing Marie's photo, he is shocked and doesn’t know what to do. On Monday at school, he shows Lucas the photo.

    Lucas: "Please send me the photo!”

    Leon: "No, you can't have that!"

    Later, while Leon is on his way to ask Marie why she sent him the photo, Lucas finds Leon's mobile phone in his schoolbag. He sends himself Marie's photo and then forwards it to all the members of their "Cool Boys" group.



    ESTONIA, November 29th, 2019

    2nd PART

    A group of cool boys is together. They whisper among themselves, giggle, and give Marie a strange look.

    At the same time, Leon is looking for Marie. But he can't find the girl. The school bell rings for the lesson.

    The chemistry class begins. Today's lesson is about healthy eating. The teacher divides the students into groups.

    Marie is sad because she did not get one group with Leon. And she still doesn't understand why others look at her so strangely.

    Someone throws a folded sheet of paper at their desk.

    Sophie: “This is for you, Marie! Maybe it is from Leon?”

    Marie is opening the sheet and reading: “Stupid cow! Who do you think you are? A Miss of the World?”

    Marie blushes. There is laughter from the boys` desk.

    Sophie: “What`s up? Is this message from Leon? Did you agree?”

    Before Marie could answer, a small paper plane landed on their desk. And all the group saw that it was a folded picture of a girl without clothes.

    Marie took the plane and rushed out of the classroom.

    She was accompanied by the boys' laughter and whistling. Someone yelled at her, "Got what you wanted!"

    Marie ran to her locker. She was shocked. There was a naked photo of her on the locker's door.

    She grabbed the picture and whispered, "Leon, why did you do that?”

    Then the school bell rang again, the lesson was over.


    December 2019

    3rd PART

    A few days later:

    Mary was ashamed and sad because the rest of the people made fun of her.

    One day a new boy arrived at the class: he was a Spanish boy, really different, whose name was Pablo. Marie didn´t notice him until one day when they had to work together for an Erasmus Project and they met at Pablo´s house.

    Quickly, they started to know each other, and one day Pablo admitted something to her:

    “I can´t believe it!”, said Marie

    “Yes, and I need you to do me a favor: I need to you keep this drug for me for a few days”, said Pablo

    Pablo admitted that he was a drug dealer and he needed her help.

    With the passing of time, Marie finally got into the drug world influenced by him. She started to set her Friends aside and spend all the time with Pablo. Everybody forgot her.

    Pablo decided to organize a surprise party for Mary´s birthday, to make her feel better.

    The day of her birthday arrived. Pablo and Marie were going to the party:

    “Where are we going?”, asked Marie

    “It´s a surprise. You have become a very important person for me and I want to thank you for that”, said Pablo.

    When they arrived, Marie got surprised and she was very excited until she realized that there were copies of her photo on all of the walls. At that moment, all the boys started to whistle, make fun of her, and insult her.

    She felt miserable and went out running to her house.

    Marie was broken and she started to think of giving up: for her, the only way to solve her problems was to end up with her life, so she took all the drugs she was keeping for Pablo.

    While Pablo was trying to find her, he arrived at Marie´s house and saw her lying on the floor, just in time to take her to hospital and save her.


    January 2020

    4th PART

    Mary woke up in a hospital room and at first was unable to understand what was happening. There were doctors and nurses surrounding her, trying to save her life. She realized her condition must have been very serious, and that made her feel really scared and anxious.

    The day after Sophie visited Marie, the two friends gave each other a big hug. “What happened?” asked Sophie.

    I was such a fool.” Marie explained, “At the party, there was that awful photo so I decided to take some drugs in order to put an end to my existence.”

    Sophie said, “Now you know what to do, don’t you?”

    Marie agreed, “Yes I know I must leave Pablo.”

    At that precise moment, Pablo came in. “No you can’t do this, I love you so much,” he said. Marie replied, “It’s your fault that I’m in this terrible situation. Go away.”

    Some days later, at Marie’s home, her parents were shouting and wondering why they had never been present in their daughter’s life. Meanwhile, Marie was curled up in the corner of her room. Thousands of tears were falling down her cheeks but she didn’t feel them, she could only hear her parents shouting and it was like infernal music. She kept replaying her best friend’s voice in her head, warning her about the possible consequences of her actions. This anxiety made her feel huge anger towards herself. Suddenly her muscles clenched and she went to her parents and shouted: “I know I made a mistake but arguing is not the solution.”

    After a week, Marie and her parents arrived at the police station and were confronted with an officer. She strived not to be overwhelmed by her emotions by answering all the questions. When the police officer explained that it was impossible to permanently delete the photos online, she felt like she was dying inside. “Never” the word was fixed in her mind and made her cringe.

    One month went by without any news. When she would come back from school every day she would sit on her bed waiting for the phone call that could reveal the name of the culprit but the phone call never arrived.

    Finally, her mum’s phone vibrated and a voice communicated that the investigation had come to a close. She would finally be able to face the person who had made her endlessly cry.

    Marie and her mum ran to the police station with the strong belief they would find Leon there. Yes, Leon was guilty, Marie was sure of it.

    Outside the police station, Marie stopped for a while. She was really worried now. She felt helpless and would have rathered gone as far away as possible from the deep pain that was stuck in the pit of her stomach. But that would not have been the right thing to do.

    She opened the door and went towards the desk but with her eyes closed. The door closed behind her shoulders, she jumped up. As she opened her eyes, all she could see was him: Lucas.



    Which title is the best for our story?

    Rule: each partner school can vote only 1 title and can't vote its own title

      TITLE Country and VOTE
    Austria "Think before you decide"
    Estonia "A little stupid photo"  
    Italy           "Just one click"                      
    Spain "A lucky escape"



    As voted by the students, the ending with the highest number of votes is the Italian one!

    Here you can enjoy the result of our work; a cartoon against Cyberbullying

  • Please propose an ENDING for our story and during the week from March 2nd till 6th, 2020 each student can vote the ending he likes most.


    When she opened her eyes, everything she could see was him: Lucas.
    Lucas...Leon...she was annoyed by the ray of sunshine that shone through the curtains of her room. It was nearly dawn.
    “BOOM!” Marie jolted. At that moment she realized that it had all been a bad dream. She had fallen asleep before sending the photo.
    The phone had fallen on the ground and on the cracked screen you could still see the photo she wanted to send to Leon.
    After a while she felt the presence of someone who was close to her. It was Sophie looking at Marie’s photo on her phone.
    She said: “What are you doing? I had told you not to do it!”.
    Send or don’t? This was the dilemma that floated in Marie’s head.
    In that moment, Marie understood that her best friend was right.
    She turned off the phone.


    Marie screamed,“ LUCAS! Did Leon send you?“
    Then came a police officer. They sat down at the table. Lucas started talking about the bet. He admitted that he was the one who passed the picture on to his friends and to Pablo. Now he is ashamed of his behavior and asks for Marie's apology.

    Mum and the officer were talking but Marie didn't listen. Her life was ruined, Lucas` “I`m sorry!”, did`t play any role.

    Vanessa was upset. She did not understand how Leon could endanger their friendship because a computer game. She said,”Our friendship is over.“

    The police officers came to school to talk about bulling and cyberbulling.

    Marie wasn`t there. She was at home. The doorbell rang. There were Vanessa and Sophie.

    Sophie said,“Hello, Marie! I was worried about you!“ Vanessa added,“Dress up! Let`s go together to school!I want to be your friend!“


    Marie couldn't believe it was really Lucas.
    After Lucas confessed everything, the officers set the date for the hearing.
    Lucas was expelled from school and also Pablo, who was actually 16 years old, had to go into juvenile detention. A few days earlier Marie had told the officers all about the drug dealer.
    When Marie left the courtroom, she met Pablo. He told her that he had seen Sophie distributing Marie's photos on the walls. Pablo talked to her, but Sophie blackmailed him. She threatened to tell everyone that Pablo was a drug dealer.
    A month later, Marie was back in school. She confronted Sophie with the truth. Sophie denied it and never spoke to her again. Marie got along better with Vanessa and Leon and was able to work through her terrible experience together with her psychiatrist she learned how to cope with her traumatic experiences.


    Marie felt disappointed with him so she went away without any explanation. When she arrived home covered in tears some good news were waiting for her.
    She had been selected for an exchange in The USA!!
    Finally, when she was there a new and hopeful life started for her without anything of her past life.

  • Here every student can vote the best "ending" for our story.
    16 votes (16.67%)
    47 votes (48.96%)
    21 votes (21.88%)
    12 votes (12.50%)