P10: The brain-body-connection "Let's move more in our classrooms"

  • "Let's move more in the classroom; here you can find a "Learning by doing - Brain-Body-Connection" Collection of the most interesting exercises to do in the classroom before or after the lesson that can be proposed in all school subjects.

    We shared with our partners some Best Practices before the Mobility C2 in Italy, where the students will try together some of them:


    • Stretch your left arm in front of you and make a fist
    • Put your right-hand flat on your heart
    • Change your arms and try to do it faster
    • Try to do the movements while you walk or stand on one foot


    • In pairs, face each other and do the following movements at the same time:
    • First: slap your thighs
    • Second: clap your hands
    • Third: show your hands with the thumbs pointing left, right, up or down
    • Repeat these movements until the thumbs of the partners have the same direction
    • Then change your partner

    MAGIC NUMBERS (for learning numbers)

    • Students are counting numbers from 1 to 10 and at the same time they make squats

    WHO IS FASTER? (for learning numbers)

    • The board is divided into two, numbers are written on both sides, but the numbers are disorderly
    • Students are divided into two teams, they are standing in the line
    • The teacher says one number and one student from each team will run to the board and cross the number out
    • When the number is right the team will get one point
    • The competitor who is faster will get one extra point

    FLY SWATTER (for working on a new text)

    • Students read a short text
    • Teachers hang sheets of paper on the blackboard with some clue words of the text
    • The teacher calls 2 students; each one receives a Fly Swatter of a different color. They stand quite far from the blackboard
    • The teacher asks a question about the text
    • The first student who touches with his Fly Swatter the leaflet with the right answer (clue word) wins

    THE BIG VERBS-GAME (for learning new words in a foreign language)

    • Students are divided into 2 rows
    • The teacher hangs a sheet of paper at the back of the classroom
    • The teacher calls a student and shows him/her a card with a drawing that shows an activity (for example "to leave", "to eat" and so on)
    • The student must mimic the verb requested. He can't speak and can't help his/her team.
    • The first student, who thinks to have the right answer must run to the back of the classroom and take a sheet of paper. He writes the verb on it and gives it back to the teacher.
    • The first student who gives the correct answer wins a point for his/her team.

    EDUCATIONAL YOGA (for relaxing and concentrate)

    ARTIKEL-GYMNASTIK (for learning German as foreign language; a proposal from a class of the Italian Partner school)