P13: Exercises calendar

  • One of the most important outfits of our project is the Exercises Calendar”. Its aim is to offer to the students and the teachers each month physical exercises to be done in class, or examples of correct postures. Through the calendar, we would like to disseminate the intent of the whole project. Since the elaboration of the Exercises Calendar" is complex and requires a long and detailed work, we have divided it into various phases.




    2019_10_08_CALENDARIO ERASMUS_SMALL_compressed.pdf




    1st step: PREPARATION (December 2018-April 2019)

    Each partner school has worked during the school year about the task "importance of correct postures and of movement in the classroom to facilitate learning and promote the well-being of the students". Experts have been invited, the students have re-elaborated the information gathered and have experienced the lessons learned at school with their teachers.


    2nd step: VIDEO CONFERENCE  2019-04-08

    After visits of physiotherapists and experts on the topic in all our partner schools, all the teams tried out various exercises and showed the best of them in our second video conference. It was a very active meeting with all the students trying out the exercises immediately, sharing fun and laughter while being in movement at the same time.


    3rd step: Mobility to Italy (C2) 2019-05-05 to 2019-05-11

    During the second mobility in Italy students took together photos and wrote texts for our “Exercises Calendar” that will offer each month physical exercises to be done in class, or examples of correct postures. In May 2019 students met in Italy and in groups of girls and boys coming from different countries, worked together.

    At first each group had to find out 5 exercises for each school month (from September to June), one exercise for Balance, one for Mobility, one for Reinforcement, one for Relaxation and one for Coordination.

    This is the "March - group"

    Then students had to prove themselves if the exercises proposed were really usefull and funny.

    Afertwards they had to take photos of the 5 exercises.

    In the end students had to write the instructions for each exercise in the partner languages and in English, as our calendar would like to be usefull in all Europe.


    4th step: Collection of materials and Realisation of the Celandar

    After the Mobility to Italia, Italian students collected all materiales produced during the Mobility and realized the calendar with an expert invited to school. The Italian school proposed some layouts to the partner schools.


    5th step: Supervision and correction of the draft to be printed (September/October 2019)

    The Coordinators teachers corrected the draft and together with the students decided the final version of the calender to print.


    6th step: Calendar Printing (November 2019)

    The Italian school asked the Social Cooperative for disable persons  "Il Ponte" of Rovereto to print the Calendar.

    Here you can see our new friends of the the social cooperative at work.


    7th step: Distribution of the Calendar (January 2020)

    The calendars were sent by post to all partner schools. Every school hung the calendar in the classes.