Final evaluation students


    Where graph referto the following activities:



    3)Miss and mister Golden Ratio

    4)Writing mistery stories

    5)Logo competition

    6)Pi-day activities

    7)Kahoot in Patra

    8)Learning folk dances

    9)Presenting the stories

    10)Drawing covers of the stories


    The following graphs refers to the activities made only by the Italian students 

    Where the activities were the following:

    1)Lecture of Ivano Suma

    2)Lecture of Roberto Spedicato

    3)"The man who knew the infinity"

    4)The Fibonacci sequence and the golden number (spreadsheet)

    5)Lecture of Ubaldo Occhinegro

    6)Visit to Casteldelmonte

    7)Visit to the Archbishop's palace

    8)Math City Map activity

    9)Creating golden spyrals