CELEBRATING: eTwinning Day 2018

  • The Experimental Lyceum of the University of Patras participates in the 2018 eTwinning Day with the re-creation of two projects: 1) Mona Lisa, Da Vinci, and 2) Infant Fugitive, Raphael.

    Students, following this year's European Heritage celebration, took advantage of the paintings of these renowned European artists and recreated them. For the selection of artwork the students set two criteria: a) their cultural value; and b) relate to the Golden Spiral. The occasion for the second criterion was to engage with this theme in the eTwinning project: "Mystery, fun math stories", which are being implemented this year in cooperation with the IISS school "E. Majorana" from Brindisi, Italy.

    For the first project, students chose to represent Mona Lisa as a tableau vivant. The portrait belongs to the student, Theni Papadimitropoulou, who, after the use of a proportional measurement application, was found to have proportions of a person approaching the Golden Ratio, just like Mona Lisa in Da Vinci's work. The second project was designed by Antonis Papageorgiou, a Lyceum graduate, and is a replica of Raphael's masterpiece. In this work Raphael develops his plan on the gold spiral line. The line starts from the semantic center of the composition, the point where the soldier's fingers close around the ankle of the child and then the line goes to the figure of the child, the woman, the soldier and the sword, and along the elements of the same group on the right side of the drawing.