• Being true to our aim to bring real life Mathematics in the school classroom, the Greek and Italian students tried to find buildings and structures in their cities that exhibit 'Golden features'.



    As hunters of the Golden Ratio in the world around us, we’ve planned to study two monuments that traditionally, show the golden proportions in some elements. They are: the Archbishop’s Palace in Brindisi and Castel del Monte in Andria.

    As for the Palace we have studied the facade, helped by software that makes it possible to edit the photo of a building in order to obtain the real measurements.

    As for Castel del Monte we hosted at school an architect who has been studying this monument for almost 10 years. Therefore, after the seminar of Ubaldo Occhinegro we went to Andria to personally investigate  the ancient monument.


    In the next subpages you can find the experiences we had and the related tasks that the students of the Majorana school did.