
    The Italian and the Greek students were asked to fill in a spreadsheet with their measurements concerning their faces and the approximation of the Golden Ratio. 

    The distances between the students' measurements and the golden number were reported in two columns, and the cell backgrounds were coloured in three different ways: pink if the distance between the measurements and the golden number were the lesser, blue for the medium range, yellow for the greater. These results were used as the criterion for the formation of the transnational teams. It was a fun activity, relevant to our project (mathematics) and allowed us to group our students in a meaningful and impartial way.


    The three teams were formed following these rules: 

     For the election of Miss and Mister Golden Ratio the last five entries were not be taken in account, as they didn't match the deadline.

    The two distances were added and a new column were formed. The two lowest value were those corrispondent to Miss and Mister Golden Ratio.

    Then we formed the three Teams (A,B,C), according to the sums reported in the column. The five latecomings were "forgiven" and added to one of the teams.
