• Below is a table in which all the planned activities are described, indicating the integration in the subjects curricula and the faced topics.

    The activities were scheduled by the Greek and Italian teachers working in a collaborative way, communicating via email and during the videoconferences.



    integration in the Math curriculum

    integration in the Technical Drawing and Art curriculum

    integration in the Political education (Sociology, Law, Economics)

    integration in the English Language curriculum





    Digital citizen


    Democratic principles for social cohabitation.
    Spirit of dialogue and cooperation

    Citizen participation: from the municipality to the global community

    The students use the English language as a vehicular language. Self -presentations, presentation of schools/cities. English and the use of technology tools.

    Greetings, Zeemap, Presentations




    Digital citizen

    The students use the English language as a vehicular language. Content-specific vocabulary. Features of comic writing.

    Comic about the web reputation,


    3)The Golden Ratio

    The proportionality in the triangles and polygons. Construction of the Golden Section, the Golden Rectangle, the Golden Spiral, the Golden Triangle and the Pentagon with Geogebra- The Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Ratio- the infinity in Mathematics

    Construction of the golden section, the golden rectangle, the golden spyral, the golden triangle and the pentagon with traditional tools for drawing, as preparatory figures for orthographic projections.

    Analysis of the architectures by their metric survey and geometric rectification with RDF

    Digital citizen

    Principles and values of Greek society - Cultural heritage

    Socialization Society of information and knowledge

    Democratic principles for social cohabitation.
    Spirit of dialogue and cooperation

    Citizen participation: from the municipality to the global community

    The students use the English language as a vehicular language

    Lecture with the author of the book “The armony of the Universe”

    Playing with the proportions… It’s “miss and mister golden ratio” election time!!!!

    Lecture about Casteldelmonte and visit to Casteldelmonte

    Lecture about “The infinity in philosophy, links between Mathematics and Philosophy”

    Written test on The golden Ratio

    Tableau Vivant about “La Gioconda”. Celebration of eTwinning Day 2018.

    Fibonacci and the golden number- spreadsheet activity

    Visit to the Archbishop’s palace in Brindisi

    Forming the transnational teams!

    Lecture on the Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci sequence at the Experimental Senior High School of Patras by Natasa Lyri.
    Construction of the Golden Rectangle and Golden Spiral with Geogebra.
    Searching the Golden Section in buildings of Patras.
    Collaborative e-book with Storyjumper.

    3)Fractals and the Infinity


    Creation of Koch’s fractal with CAD: the importance of vectorial drawings.

    Digital citizen  

    Film: “The man who knew the Infinity “


    The Magna Grecia historical period, Pythagoras and the Pythagorean school.

    Pythagorean Numbers (square, triangle, irrational, transcendental numbers)


    Digital citizen

    Principles and values of Greek society - Cultural heritage

    Socialization - Society of information and knowledge

    Democratic principles for social cohabitation.
    Spirit of dialogue and cooperation

    The students use the English language as a vehicular language.

    Consolidation of Mathematical terminology.

    The Pythagorean numbers with StoryJumper

    Let’s play with MathCityMaps!


    Lecture about the Magna Grecia

    Collaborative e-book with Storyjumper.

    5)Creating Mystery and Maths stories

    Golden Spiral, Amicable Numbers.  

    Digital citizen

    Principles and values of Greek society - Cultural heritage

    Socialization - Society of information and knowledge

    Democratic principles for social cohabitation.
    Spirit of dialogue and cooperation

    The students use the English language as a vehicular language to communicate. Process-collaborative writing through negotiation and revision. Features of process writing. Cross-curricular tasks (Mathematics, English, History, Geography, Social Studies).

    Collaborative writing with Google Documents. Publishing stories with Calameo.

    6) Creating Maths Comics Fibonacci Sequence, Golden number phi, Amicable Numbers, Equations.   Digital citizen The students use the English language as a vehicular language to communicate. Consolidation of Mathematical terminology. Collaborative comic writing with StoryboardThat

    7)Activities in Patras

    Pythagorean Numbers (square, triangle, irrational, transcendental numbers).

    Fibonacci Sequence, Golden number phi, Amicable Numbers.



    Principles and values of Greek society - Cultural heritage


    Democratic principles for social cohabitation.
    Spirit of dialogue and cooperation

    Citizen participation: from the municipality to the global community

    The students use the English language as a vehicular language to communicate

    Kahoot, Group presentations of the stories, Greek-Italian Glossary of mathematical terms, Cultural exchange: teaching each other songs and dancing, Storyjumper, Drawing covers for their stories.

    8) International π Day


    Number π as a ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter and as an irrational, transcendental number.  

    Digital citizen


    Democratic principles for social cohabitation.
    Spirit of dialogue and cooperation

    Students use English to search for and present information about the number π. They practise relevant Math terminology and language necessary for public presentations. Celebration in both schools, puzzles, power point presentations - fun facts about π by the students.
    Lecture on the number π at the Experimental Senior High School of Patras by Natasa Lyri.

