Questions from FINLAND

  • Suggestion of 5 questions for people from our countries who migrated abroad


    1. Did you look for information about the laws and regulations in the county before moving there?

    a) yes, I studied everything carefully

    b) I checked some of them

    c) no


    2. Was it your own decision to move abroad?


    3. Were you willing to adapt to new customs and traditions in the country?

    a) Yes, I was open to all new customs and traditions

    b) to some extent

    c) No, I wanted to stick to my own customs and traditions


    4. What Finnish thing/custom/tradition would you like to share with locals in the new country?


    5. Did you start learning the language of the country?

    a) I started practising before moving/I want to learn the local language

    b) I go by the flow; I will learn it if it's necessary

    c) No, I want to speak only my language or maybe English


      Suggestions of 5 questions for foreign people who migrated in our countries


      1. Did you know anything about Finland before you moved here?

      a) yes, a lot

      b) some basic facts

      c) nothing


      2. What has been the most surprising in Finland to you?

      a) everything! It is so different!

      b) some customs and maybe the weather

      c) nothing has surprised me


      3. How has the bureaucracy been when dealing with legal matters about living in Finland?

      a) Easy and simple, I have received enough help and infomation

      b) There have been some difficulties, but I have managed

      c) very difficult and complex


      4. How do you maintain and execute your own cultural customs and traditions in Finland?

      a) It is very easy for me

      b) I try to maintain some of my own customs

      c) I haven't, I follow Finnish customs now


      5. What was the reason you moved to Finland?

      a) to study/work

      b) relationship

      c) exploring the world and finding new opportunites

      d) I had to leave my own country