Who wrote it?

  • Add a short piece from your favourite or important book:

    Liesel had no idea where she was. All was white, and as theyremained at the station, she could only stare at the fadedlettering of the sign in front of her. For Liesel, the town wasnameless, and it was there that her brother Werner was buriedtwo days later. Witnesses included a priest and two shiveringgravediggers.

    Title: The Book Thief

    Author: Markus Zusak


    “A book is a fragile creature, it suffers the wear of time, it fears rodents, the elements and clumsy hands. So the librarian protects the books not only against mankind but also against nature and devotes his life to this war with the forces of oblivion.”

    Title: The Name of the Rose

    Author: Umberto Eco


    "Sing on, Cricket mine, as you please. What I know is, that tomorrow, at dawn, I leave this place forever. If I stay here, the same thing will happen to me which happens to all other boys and girls. They are sent to school and whether they want to or not, they must study. As for me, let me tell you, I hate to study! It's much more fun, I think, to chase after butterflies, climb trees, and steal birds' nests."

    Title: The Adventures of Pinocchio

    Author: Carlo Collodi


    «On the 24th there was a battle at the Shevardino Redoubt, on the 25th, not a single shot was fired from either side, on the 26th the Borodino battle took place. Why and how were the battles given and given at Shevardin and Borodino? Why was the Battle of Borodino given? Neither for the French, nor for the Russians, it did not make the slightest sense. The immediate result was and should have been-for the Russians, that we were nearing the death of Moscow (which we feared most in the world), and for the French people that they approached the death of the whole army (which they also feared most in the world) . This result was then absolutely obvious, and yet Napoleon gave, and Kutuzov accepted this battle.»

    Title: Peace and War

    Author: Lev Tolstoy   


    During these last few years all three of the general’s daughters—Alexandra, Adelaida, and Aglaya—had grown up and matured. Of course they were only Epanchins, but their mother’s family was noble; they might expect considerable fortunes; their father had hopes of attaining to very high rank indeed in his country’s service—all of which was satisfactory. All three of the girls were decidedly pretty, even the eldest, Alexandra, who was just twenty-five years old. The middle daughter was now twenty-three, while the youngest, Aglaya, was twenty. This youngest girl was absolutely a beauty, and had begun of late to attract considerable attention in society. But this was not all, for every one of the three was clever, well educated, and accomplished.


    Title: Idiot

    Author: Fyodor Dostoevsky
