C1 ( Moers, Germany)

  • C1 -  Short Term Teacher Training Event  



    presentations by  Mr Detlev Lindau-Bank 


      Discussion - critical review

    2. Visible learning  results
    3.    Visible Learning
      John Hattie´s Research ( 23rd  April 2018 )
    4.   Visible Learning
      John Hattie´s Research ( 24 th April 2018 )
    5. Results Hattie 2018


    Other Training Materials/Tangible Outputs/ Results/ Impulses/ outcomes


    1.   Student survey by German students
    2.  Good teacher through  students' eyes   PL
    3.  Student survey results based on adapted version of Irving student evaluation  of accomplished teaching with additional questions PL       survey form
    3. HOMEWORK  :)

    For the meeting in Italy (TPM), please prepare/bring  an available or constructed/ adapted to school needs   feedback form .

    Please,  consult it with your students to see their perspective.

    During 2nd TPM in Italy different formats/ proposals from partner schools will be displayed, compared, discussed and possibly one universal of European dimension will be constructed.



    Europass mobility  Certification

    Objective of the Europass Mobility experience

    Teacher Professionalization.
    Participating in expert teacher training on maximizing impact on learning processes.
    Teacher empowerment and school development.
    Reducing the risk of early school leaving.
    Initiative during which the Europass Mobility experience is completed, if applicable

    Erasmus Plus KA2 School Education / VT4P project.


    Workshops: The impact on the Hattie Survey on school development.
    - studying the outcome of Hattie’s Survey,
    - identifying motivators of maximizing the impact on learning processes,
    - identifying which factors improve performance and which do not,
    - looking into partners’ recent school development plans,
    - answering the questions:
    1. Does recent school development plan match the outcome of Hattie’s survey?
    2.Does it take account of positive factors in order to improve the performance of school educational systems?
    If ”no”- why not?; if ”yes” - to what extent?
    -coordinator meeting with project evaluation and management (SWOT analysis),
    Workshop on Status Quo of participant schools’ development plans:
    - presentation of learners’ survey on recent teaching and learning scenarios; analysis of compatibility to Hattie’s
    similarities and differences; potential consequences for further development,
    - defining high impact factors.

    Job-related skills and competences acquired
    Identifying key motivators of maximizing impact on learning processes.
    Methodology for creating learning/ teaching scenarios ( critical reflection and analysis skills).
    School development, teacher empowerment management skills.

    Language skills and competences acquired (if not included under ‘Job-related skills and competences’)
     Key competence 2 - communication in foreign languages in international environment ( English).
    Communicating in English for professional purposes ( educational processes).

    Organisational skills and competences acquired (if not included under ‘Job-related skills and competences’)
     Project management skills.

    Social skills and competences acquired (if not included under ‘Job-related skills and competences’)
    Effective collaboration in international project team skills.

    Other skills and competences acquired
     Developing project evaluation skills ( SWOT analysis) and planning to use the acquired competences and
    knowledge for further local and regional dissemination.