Students meetings

  • Live events run during the first phase 

    (November 2017-May 2018 ) 

    Live event  (  1st) 01  / 12 / 2017

    Live event between schools called Eskişehir Fatih Fen Lisesi in Turkey and al ahd al jadid Rommila Prep School in nabeul , Tunisia was released on 1st December 2017. Students introduced themselves and stated how they felt about the project.

    • Self presentation 
    • Icebreaking through a metimeter 
    • Students opinion about the internet ( in relation with the project )


    Live event (2nd )  : 11th / 12/ 2017

    Live event between schools from Tunisia (Kairouan , Nabeul, sfax ) and  Azerbaijan 

    Enjoy the students's First  visioconference: 

    • Testing their basic knowledge about e-safety 
    • presentation in teams 

    Azerbaijan impression 

    On 11.12.2017 the students of Shamakhy school #2 after E.Huseynov (Azerbaijan) had a videoconference with  4 school teams of Tunisia. It was very interesting and fun.

    Hammam Ghezez impression 

    Little etwinners full of enthousiasm attending their first visiocoference with their partners from Tunisia and Azerbaijan.


     L’image contient peut-être : une personne ou plus

    Sfax , Tunisia partners opinion

    Students present themeselves and test their Internet safety knowlege through collaborative activities in a joyful and competitive atmosphere.

    Kairouan , Tunisia students' impressions:

    It was a great apportunity for students to participate in their first visioconference ,really funnny and exciting


    Al ahd al jedid prep school nabeul  , Tunisia students' impressions

    Our students were very happy to participate in this live event and play the kahoot as a funny game .

    Live event  : 6th / 02/ 2018

    keeping up the international event of the Safer Internet Day ( SID ) 2018 

    In this time we used the skype for this videoconference 

    Live event  : 3th / 03/ 2018

    This live event normally between tunisian partner (  al ahd al jedid prep school Nabeul , Tunisia) and the turkish one  ( Eskişehir Fatih Fen Lisesi ) ,  that  live event was interrupted from the beginning due to technical problems related with adobe connect .

    Live event  : 16th  / 03/ 2018

    keeping up the Tunisian National Day of the traditional clothes on the 16th of march 2018

    This live event took place on friday ,  15th of march 2018 between four  tunisian schools :

    Al manar prep school , Kairouan ,

    Hammam Ghezaz , Nabeul

    Al ahd el jedid , rommila , Nabeul  

    Sakiet eddaiyr prep school , Sfax

    Note please

    During the event we presented the presentation proposed by UNESCO 

    UNESCO world heritage sites in Tunisia.pptx

    or this prezi presentation prepared by randa houes , sfax , Tunisia 



    Note please

    In that  period most of partners  encountered  problems with adobe connect , either in downloading the drive or an unexpected intterruption of the live event it self .

    For that reason we were obliged  to  upload a diaporama of the collected screenshots  


    Live event  : 22nd  / 03/ 2018

    An online meeting took place between  al had al jedid prep school ( nabeul , tunisia )  ,   Natalia's pupils ( Ukraine ) and Asuman's pupils ( Turkey ) . They enjoyed a lot when they played who wants to be a millionaire after the presentation about netiquette.

    Program :

    • Self presentation of the ukrainian students 
    • Metimeter how to say hello in different languague partners a presentation about Netiquette followed by via e-learning app How to be millionaire ? 


    Before attending this event , we agreed during our live event on the 1st of march to prepare a power presentation about netiquette ,  which was the  result of  collaboration between four partners from :

    • Ukraine , natalia
    • Azerbaijan , mehriban
    • Tunisia , sfax  faten chaabane
    • Tunisia ,nabeul, chemingui firas 

    Than  , we  presented and discussed with  our students before the event of the 22ned of march 2018


    The links of the different activities 

    Mentimeter :

    Netiquette quiz :

    Live events run during the second  phase 

    (November 2018  -May 2019 ) 


    Live event  : 13th  / 11/ 2018


    Live event :13th Novemver 2018 by   Slidely Slideshow

    We are happy to work on this project ( secondary school after E.Huseynov , Shamkhy , Azerbaijan ) 

    Live event  : 8th   / 02/ 2019

    Online meeting between tunisian students (  al ahd el jedid , Rommila prep school , Nabeul , Tunisia   )   and the ukrainian students ( Smila Lyceum "Lider", Ukraine  ) . Our students   enjoyed the mentimeter and the Kahoot game 


    • Partner  presentation  
    • Metimeter of welcome in mother languague
    • kahoot game : how to be safe on line ( prepared by our serbian partner Mag , oliver ) 


    Due to unexpected techincal problems related to adobe connect that our webinar was interrupted without finishing the rest of the program 



    Live event  : 6th   / 03/ 2019

    • This online meeting was run between students from:  Lithuania , Marijampoles , Petro armino progimnazija ( Edita grubiene) 
    • Azerbaidjan , shamakhi E.huseynov adina 2 sayli tam orta mktb ( mehriban Eyubova )
    • Greece ,1ο 2/θ ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΕΙΟ ΠΥΛΟΥ, GREECE ( Olga keramida )  
    • Tunisia : 

    Al ahd el jedid , Rommila prep school , Nabeul , Tunisia ) 

    El manar prep school kairouan , Tunisia   ) 

    Lycee habib bourguiba hammam ghezaz , Tunisia 

    • Turkey ,kizildogan , ortaklar fen liseli ( asil andaç) 
    • Ukraine , vinnytsia school No 6 ( Natalia reshetnik ) . 


    • White board sharing : saying hello in our mother languages 
    • kahoot : discover the flags of our project  involved countries  
    • Mentimeter : criteria of the reliability of information on websites 
    • kahoot : learning the 6 common creative licenses 
    • White board sharing : saying good bye in our mother languages

    Useful links of the different games 

    Kahoot : flag partners countries

    Flags partner's countries

    kahoot : the 6 common creative licenses 

    The 6 common creative licenses

    Mentimeter : reliability information in websites criteria 

    To play :    code : 30 36 55 ( but the code actually changes every 4 hours ) 

    Information website reliability criteria






      Live event  : 19th   / 03/ 2019


      During this period most of partners are either on holidays or in a period of exams

      This online meeting between  students from :   

      • Al ahd el jedid , rommila ( Nabeul , Tunisia ) 
      • Les ecoles ideales (  Nabeul , Tunisia )
      • lycee habib bourguiba ( Hammam ghezaz , Tunisia )
      • Smila lyceum " lider " (  Smila , Ukraine  )
      • First kinder garden ,(  Pylos , greece )
      • liceul teoretic cu profil real " mihai marinciuc " (republic of moldavia ) 


      • A presentation of the most well loved  traditional tunisian song ( alif ya soltan ) played by students from hammam ghezaz 
      • kahoot : to discover the traditional clothes of the different project countries 'partners ( prepared by hammam ghezaz , Tunisia )
      • kahoot : to discover some data about the  project ( prepared by olga keramida with her smart kids  , Pylos , greece  ) 
      • Online word art creator  : participating students tried  a word cloud about the website reliability   criteria 
      • 2 mindmaps using popplets , one mind map about the 6 creative licenses and another about the creteria of website reliability( optional and depending on time )   

      very important 

      • Due to  bad connection and technical problems with Adobe Connect that we couldn't get the recording about the part about the word art creator and the the mind maps  creation 
      • As well due to connection's problems that we couldnot add collaborators in the 2 popplets , for that reason we aggreed to use coggle for its fast and easy use .

      First part of the video : students meeting :19/03/2019 




      Live event  : 29th   / 03/ 2019

      NOTE :

      During this period most of partners are either on holidays or in a period of exams 

      Our partners from azraibijan couldn't attend the webinar because of a shutdown of electricity in their area, in total relation with the earthquake that took place in their area and students were moved to another school.  

      This online meeting took place between  students from :   

      • Al ahd el jedid , rommila ( Nabeul , Tunisia ) 
      • First kindergarden ( Pilos . Greece ) 


      • A word cloud via mentimeter tool , through which our students present themselves and greetings in their mother languages and dialects
      • kahoot game : to discover some  historical monuments   of the different project partners countries ( prepared by pilos ,Greece  )
      • Kahoot game to include most of the seen concepts in the project
      • Word cloud creator , students will try to create word clouds groupping the different learnt concepts in the project   


      Useful links of the different games 

      • Mentimeter : students presentation and greetings in mother languages 

      presentation and welcome

      To play :    code :53 24 45

      • Kahoot : historical monuments  partners countries

      historical monuments

      • kahoot : general information about the concpets seen in the project 

      Test your knowldge about e -safety



      Live event  : 30    / 05/ 2019

      During this live event only our greek partner could attend the meeting as the rest of our students partners were on exams 

      plan of the meeting 

      • Exchange greeting 

      Starting with a song sung by our kids from greece 

      Sharing happiness greeting via a white board

      • Other activities  

      A mentimeter to express their opinions after one year of working together 

      A kahoot game general basic question about e-safety ( prepared by olga keramida )

      A meetingword to exchange wishes for the summer holidays 

      • link in the forum :


      Note please 

      The last activity , our greek kids could attend as they are limited by time  but we continued as my students liked 


      Link of the live event (  video    )  : 


      Live event  : 3rd   / 06/ 2019

      During this period most of partners have started  already their    holidays the rest are on a hectic period of   exams 

      link of the video :


      Link of the mentimeter : 


      Link of the kahoot  :


      Other optional activities :