16. Website 's reliability

  • The problem

    The publication of information on the internet is less controlled and much less identified than those on the other media .It is so difficulet to navigate the amount of information available on the internet : new sites , forums , blogs  and comments on social networks .

    • How to know if the information on a website is reliable ?
    • How to distinguish between reliable and unreliable websites ?
    • what are the criteria of  a reliable website ? 



    Our students will be able to: 

    • Recognize that any information accessible on the internet can be validated and  even verified
    • Adopt strategies to evaluate the reliability of a website (to apply  the reliability indices   of a website using the CRAAP test )
    • Develop their critical  thinking in searching for information on the internet 
    • Discover hoaxes or canular information 
    • enumerate the criteria of  a reliable   website 


    • Brainstorming 
    • Websites comparison 
    • Watching video
    • Playing some games 
    • Taking a quizand getting  a certificate


    Activity 1: Brainstorming

    From a brainstorming session, our students will be asked to determine the criteria for evaluating the reliability of a website by answering the following driven question :

    Driven question 

    You were asked to prepare a research about  any topic .  Once you searched  for   it via Google search , you would  find yourself in front of different websites , so once you entered  the website  . What indices  could you use to determine if the information over there  is valid and reliable ?

    Write down  your ideas  in one of these 2 links below 

    Link 1 ( forum )


    Link 2 ( google doc )



    Activity 2 : websites comparison

    Students will be divided into 2 teams . Each team will be given 2 documents one document to be read ( CRAAP test ) another document to complete by each team after analyzing   2 proposed websites.

    Document 1 : The CRAAP test :



    Document 2 : A table of 2 websites reliable and unreliable to compare   


    Examples of websites


    Note please

    To make this activity easier to our students, each partner will try to translate both documents ( CRAAP TEST and table for comparison ) and will provide websites in  their mother languages for analyzing

    By the way the CRAAP test was  developed by Sarah Blakeslee and her team of librarians at California State University, Chico (CSU Chico) to check the reliability of sources across academic disciplines ( it is the test the most used nowdays ) 


    Activity 3 : Let's take these  activities   

     Watching a video 

    Students will watch the   video in the link below:



    Playing this game  

    To fix their ideas students will pass this crossword test via this link:





      Final production  

      when finsihing these different activities our students will share the work as follows : 

      • Students will make  a poster where to mention the 5 indices of a reliable website 
      • A video where  students  from 5 countries  will mention these 5 criteria of reliable websites 
      • an animated video grouping these 5 criteria of website reliability  
      • An e-book : summarizing the hole work done to learn this concept  . 


      Useful links  

      website evaluation or measurment 

      After assimilating the procedure to follow in order to determine the reliability of a website , we  provided our dear students some useful links to be used later , to evaluate and  /or measure the reliability of a website  

    • criteria of a reliable website

      Brainstorming :indices of a reliable website

      What indices  could we use to determine if the information in  the chosen  websites are valid and realiable ?
      write down your ideas about waht you know about a relaible website

      The main criteria of a reliable website

      let's learn the creteria of a reliable website through the following learning app

      Reliability website quiz

      Students will pass this test to evaluate their level about website reliability at the end students will get certificates

      CRAAP test

      students will use the creteria in this test to be able to evaluate the reliability of websites ( just to read )

      Website Reliability - Projet e-safety: be sm@rt be s@fe

      Solve this short questionnaire ( kahoot game )

      Craap test worksheet( table of comparison )

      students will try to analyses 2 websites one reliable and another unreliable than complte this work sheet